Eleanor King



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Block or report Eleanor King

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Eleanor King
Eleanor King (she/her) went on a group run

Thu 25th Jul at 6:15pm

Wood it be magic!!

Bournemouth Report written by Caprice McWilliams

So the rain held off for tonight's session and what a fun session it was! Runners Graeme, Daryl and Caprice met at King's Park for the group run to the task. Eleanor made her own way their with a run along the seafront, literally on the sand! We love her determination. Tonight's session was to help The Friends of Boscombe Chine Garden clean and paint their wooden hut located in the community gardens. The runners were greeted by Jane and Rosemary who had already started clearing away the overgrown bamboo and shrubs. Graeme, Daryl and Caprice got to work clearing away the dust and cobwebs. Eleanor arrived ready to start the good bit.... painting!! Starting with the front of the hut, Daryl and Eleanor tackled one side, whilst Caprice and Graeme painted the other. It's amazing how much they achieved, the GoodGymers, Jane and Rosemary successfully finished the front part of the hut, it looked amazing and the gang will return Monday 5th August to attempt another side of the cabin.

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Eleanor King
Eleanor King (she/her) signed up to a group run.

Thu 25th Jul at 6:15pm

Eleanor King
Eleanor King (she/her) went on a community mission

Tue 16th Jul at 6:00pm

Wires and weeds

Bournemouth Report written by Bournemouth runner

Four Goodgymmers, Caprice, Eleanor, Keith and Lea, turned up at TOSH again for our last session before the grand opening on Sunday. In Dutch they say: “de laatste loodjes” (literal translation “the last bits of lead”) in English “on the home stretch”. Yes, again bits and bits to be done: Keith putting up rope wires, Caprice and Eleanor clearing brambles from a wall, Lea cutting weeds away on a to-be kiddie trail, more weeding, filling in holes and even more bits…. it’s all looking really lovely! Doesn’t it feel good to know we played our part in getting to this stage. Thanks to everyone who joined in at some point! Hopefully some of us will be able to attend the grand opening this Sunday between 2 and 4. Cake and tea for everyone.

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Eleanor KingCaprice McWilliams
Eleanor King
Eleanor King (she/her) signed up to a community mission.

Tue 16th Jul at 6:00pm

Eleanor King
Eleanor King (she/her) went on a group run

Mon 1st Jul at 6:15pm

Its Not Fifty But Five Shades of Grey

Bournemouth Report written by Daryl Venner

Rute,Eleanor,Caprice,Mohammed,and Daryl meet at the brewhouse for the late afternoon run through the Gardens to coy pound and then up to Bishop Aldhelms school where we were meet by the Caretaker Neil,who set us the task of sanding and repainting the picnic benches in Grey. We soon had the benches sanded and painted we even managed to paint the planters.Neil was very pleased with our work and it saved him a lot of time.We said our goodbyes and headed back knowing we had done a good job,the run in total was just short of 7k .Hope to see you all on the next run when we head to the Care home.

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Caprice McWilliamsEleanor King
Eleanor King
Eleanor King (she/her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 1st Jul at 6:15pm

Painting Benches

Give some benches some much needed TLC so the children can sit on them again

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Eleanor King
Eleanor King (she/her) went on a community mission

Thu 20th Jun at 6:00pm

Weeding and feeding

Bournemouth Report written by Bournemouth runner

Five Goodgymmers, Mohammed, Eleanor, Caprice, Keith and Lea, joined Ruth at St Augustine’s church in glorious weather today, perfect for some weeding… well, some?!?! Yikes, we filled nearly two wheeley bins! Some of us on our knees, others with bums in the air, with gloves, without gloves (!), little forks and big forks, we all worked hard. Those weeds didn’t stand a chance. There was a homeless person from Vietnam in one corner of the church garden. Keith and Mohammed tried to talk to him. Mohammed even went and bought him some food. Not the Goodgym task he had signed up for, but certainly a very worthwhile cause. When we left, Ruth’s parting words “oh, I’ve got zillions more things to do” sounded like music to our ears. Yes, Ruth, we will be back. Everyone, thank you for all your hard work and happy chatter!

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Caprice McWilliams

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Keith Baker

Fri 21st Jun at 8:48am

Thank Mohammed, you did well to earn his confidence and set him at ease to talk about his situation. Give the relatives, the needy and the travellers their due”. (Bani Israil:26)

Mohammed Almshirgh

Sat 22nd Jun at 2:47pm

My pleasure sir, thanks for the kind words hope to see you soon

Eleanor King
Eleanor King (she/her) signed up to a community mission.

Thu 20th Jun at 6:00pm

Eleanor King
Eleanor King (she/her) went on a group run

Mon 17th Jun at 6:15pm

Run in the sun

Bournemouth Report written by Caprice McWilliams

Runners Eleanor, Rute, Daryl and Caprice met for the Group Run to the session. Rute was excited to show off her new GoodGym T-shirt and she really looked the part. The four of them managed to chat and run, even with the slow steady climb up Old Christchurch Road. Once they got closer to Hope Housing they could see some friendly faces. It was GoodGymers Keith and Lea. Unfortunately they had some bad news, the task had been cancelled. They still managed to get a group photo to prove that they all made it to the task. Even if they couldn't do the session. Rute was still happy to have christened her new Tshirt even if it was just a run in the sun and not an actual task. Oh well, better luck next time.

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Caprice McWilliams
