0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
3 Month Streak
Mon 1st Jul at 6:15pm
Bournemouth Report written by Daryl Venner
Rute,Eleanor,Caprice,Mohammed,and Daryl meet at the brewhouse for the late afternoon run through the Gardens to coy pound and then up to Bishop Aldhelms school where we were meet by the Caretaker Neil,who set us the task of sanding and repainting the picnic benches in Grey. We soon had the benches sanded and painted we even managed to paint the planters.Neil was very pleased with our work and it saved him a lot of time.We said our goodbyes and headed back knowing we had done a good job,the run in total was just short of 7k .Hope to see you all on the next run when we head to the Care home.
Mon 1st Jul at 6:15pm
Give some benches some much needed TLC so the children can sit on them again
Read moreMon 17th Jun at 6:15pm
Bournemouth Report written by Caprice McWilliams
Runners Eleanor, Rute, Daryl and Caprice met for the Group Run to the session. Rute was excited to show off her new GoodGym T-shirt and she really looked the part. The four of them managed to chat and run, even with the slow steady climb up Old Christchurch Road. Once they got closer to Hope Housing they could see some friendly faces. It was GoodGymers Keith and Lea. Unfortunately they had some bad news, the task had been cancelled. They still managed to get a group photo to prove that they all made it to the task. Even if they couldn't do the session. Rute was still happy to have christened her new Tshirt even if it was just a run in the sun and not an actual task. Oh well, better luck next time.
Mon 17th Jun at 6:15pm
Mon 10th Jun at 6:15pm
Helping our good friends by doing a spot of DIY
Read moreMonday 20th May
Rute Silva has done their first good deed with GoodGym.
Rute is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.
Mon 20th May at 6:15pm
Bournemouth Report written by Caprice McWilliams
Chloe, Daryl, Caprice welcomed newbie Rute at The Brewhouse ready for the group run to the session. This was much to Rute's surprise as she wasn't expecting a run as just wanted to help volunteer. Luckily Rute loves a good run, so much so that she refused to drive to the session and put her coat in her bag and off she went. What a trooper! Tonight's session was to help our friends at Hope Housing sort through some charity clothing. The runners were met by Eleanor and James who made their own way to the task. The group got to work sorting through Hope Housing's Charity Shop clothing donations. Sorting through the ladies clothing there was Rute, Caprice, Daryl and Julie and on the menswear there was Chloe and James with Eleanor in charge of the children's clothing. It wasn't long until everything was sorted, it's amazing how much can get done with lots of help. Our next sessions to help Hope Housing will be 17th June and this will be a gardening task and on the 15th July we will be helping sort out their hand made soaps. We hope to see you there!
Mon 20th May at 6:15pm