Clothing Coventry

40 GoodGymers have supported Clothing Coventry with 27 tasks.

Top supporters

Upcoming sessions
Sorting at Clothing Coventry

Tuesday 18th February 2025 6:15pm - 8:00pm

Sorting at Clothing Coventry

Tuesday 18th March 2025 6:15pm - 8:00pm

Sorting at Clothing Coventry

Tuesday 15th April 2025 6:15pm - 8:00pm

Previous sessions
CoventryGroup run
LilianMarcelle Batson-Warner
JamesLucy BirdHELEN ARaya

Hang in there!

Tuesday 21st January

Written by Laura P (she/her)

Eight Coventry Goodgymers ran and cycled approximately 5km to Clothing Coventry this week.

With a surge in donations after Christmas, there were lots of moving and sorting tasks to keep us busy! We had a brief introduction to Clothing Coventry, then we set to work moving boxes of donated trainers from one warehouse to another, putting clothing on hangers according to size and making up packs of baby clothes with t-shirts, PJs and jumpers. Clothing Coventry supported over 6800 people last year and this year is already looking like it will be even busier!

Welcome and well done to our new members Tessa Helen and welcome back Marcelle it is fab to see you again and catch up!

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CoventryGroup run
Laura PLaura DenhamLilian

Jump around

Tuesday 19th November 2024

Written by Laura P (she/her)

6 Goodgymers went to the Clothing Coventry warehouse for our regular donation sorting session.

Our task for this evening was to sort jumper donations into sizes and put them on hangers ready for people to collect. With snow this morning and more cold weather forecast, warm clothing will be very much needed.

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CoventryGroup run
Laura PJackie DinesDani Shmait
Joe CreanAndy D

I'm a racing car passing by, like Baby Godiva!

Tuesday 6th August 2024

Written by Laura P (she/her)

Six Coventry Goodgymers (including one newbie - welcome Andy went to Baby Godiva to help with unloading vans to Baby Godiva's shiny new premises.

When the vans arrived, we made quick work of unloading and moving items to different locations in the new space, including buggies, moses baskets, toys and clothes. Whilst we waited for another van to appear, we sorted the mountain of nappies into different sizes, stocked up the shelves with baby bath products, wipes and other essentials, and recycled the cardboard boxes.

Baby Godiva were really pleased with what we were able to do, we hope to be back soon for some more sorting fun!

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CoventryCommunity mission
Laura DenhamLilianGraeme Papa Strumpf MulvaneyJames

Trolley Dolly's

Tuesday 6th August 2024

Written by Laura Denham

Fantastic job tonight everyone! We really pulled it off with the two GoodGym teams and have made a huge dent in Baby Godiva's storage units relocating to their new digs next door to Clothing Coventry.

We tackled a mountain of baby gear, filling 6 van loads to the brim ready to hand over to the awesome crew waiting at Napier Street. Everything went without a hitch and we got in a solid workout with some heavy lifting.

Shout out to James who went the extra mile and let them load his van which he then drove with Greame to unload.

At the end of the night, we made our way over to the new unit to help unload the final van. To top it all off, we capped the evening with a group photo to celebrate our epic teamwork! Well done, you are all amazing and this is a HUGE help to the Baby Godiva charity.

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CoventryGroup run
Sharon Frazer
Steve FrazerJamesJill

Shoes out for summer

Tuesday 30th July 2024

Written by Laura Denham

8 Goodgymers in the super hot weather making there way to clothing Coventry tonight. With [Jill Ashley], Meera, Georgia, Steve and Laura taking a steady run over from together from Coventry boys and Girls club, Sharon taking a walk and Nigel and James meeting us there.

We arrived and were presented with an array of school shoes to sort. We jumped right in organising them by size and gender with a flurry of crates. With some of us labeling crates, others opening packages full of shoes and the rest loading up the crates, we worked seamlessly as a team and did a shoeper job!

With ten minutes to spare we paired up and did a speed session of 'wants', 'needs' and what the 'hells', a bit like snog marry, avoid as Nigel pointed out. We had a chuckle watching the guys pulling out the womens clothing and try to figure out what on earth they were looking at.

With the session ending Jo explained lots of extra help that they need so need to go away and see if there is any way we can help them out.

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CoventryGroup run
Laura DenhamJackie DinesGraeme Papa Strumpf MulvaneyJamesJill

Hang in there

Tuesday 18th June 2024

Written by Laura Denham

This evening, five members of Goodgym visited Clothing Coventry. It's been a while since we last went and we had the chance to check out the shops new look which now occupies the old warehouse. The new set up significantly enhances the customer experience, giving them the dignity to choose their own clothes.

As always there were heaps of bags to sort through and hang up. Jill, Jackie and Laura focused on categorising items into 'want', 'need' and 'what the hell' (aka rag). James and Graeme tackled the hanging up the 'want' items although they later found this was not as stress free as they first thought. We got through quite a few white sacks, though it felt like we barely made a dent. Still, every effort counts!

Great job everyone! Hopefully we will see you all next week at Harmony Hub.

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