Joe Crean


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Joe Crean
Joe Crean went on a group run

Wed 8th May at 6:15pm

Crow only knows how we did it!

Coventry Report written by Lilian

4 goodgym members made their way to Crow recycling centre to help them set up their newly forming community garden. Together, we shifted three tonnes of top soil from the bags onto the area where the new beds will be created. We also learned more about the work of Crow and had a really good work out shifting the soil. We're looking forward to seeing this much needed community garden develop.

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Jimmy Mitchinson
Joe Crean
Joe Crean signed up to a group run.

Wed 8th May at 6:15pm

CROW recycling - shifting soil

Creating green spaces in communities that need it most

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Joe Crean
Joe Crean went on a community mission

Tue 2nd Apr at 6:15pm

Did we Go Banana's or Keep Calm and Carrot On?

Coventry Report written by Laura Denham

Tonight a squad of 10 Goodgymers made their way over to Carriers of hope, ready and raring to go. We welcomed Jill Ashley on her first good deed, it was great to meet you :)

Our first mission? Bagging up fruit and veg for tomorrows food hub. With the precision of a well oiled machine the team formed a production line, stuffing bags with a range of items such as peppers, bananas, carrots and potatoes. Maddie, Georgia, Jill, Nigel zipped through the line up with the efficiency of seasoned pro's.

James did a 'crate job' of sifting through the crates to locate the larger ones, which Tasha then swiftly filled with the fruit and veg bags. Greame was appointed as bog roll commander skillfully packing up a duo of loo rolls per bag, ready for people to pick up with their bag of goodness tomorrow.

Stuart stepped onto the scene and was handed the mission of organizing the camping gear, with help from James and Nigel, and Laura rescued an empty tent bag which she decided could be an ideal litter picker holder! (it worked a treat as well - perfect fit!)

Maddie also completed some office work while the rest of the veg production line cleared up.

After taking the scenic route aka getting lost, Joe sauntered in just in time for the tea break - well played Joe! ha! At least you know where it is for next time!

Everyone did a fantastic job, well done gang!

See you next week for more doing good and keeping fit Laura x

Nice one to Maddie and Nigel for puns - I couldn't decide so went with both!

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Wed 3rd Apr at 12:20pm

Thankyou to such a lovely group for being so welcoming! Can't wait for next week 🎉

Joe Crean
Joe Crean signed up to a community mission.

Tue 2nd Apr at 6:15pm

Sorting items in the warehouse for Carriers of Hope

Supporting Refugees, Asylum Seekers and other Migrants in Coventry

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Joe Crean
Joe Crean went on a group run

Tue 16th Jan at 6:15pm

Absolutely rubbish

Coventry Report written by Laura Denham

Woo hoo! What a turn out, 12 GoodGymers for our first litter pick of 2024, undeterred by the chilly temperatures 🥶

Tonight we were joined by 3 newcomers, Abbie Natasha and Megan. it was lovely to meet you and well done on your first good deed!

James led the group of walkers who set off while the rest of us warmed up for our run. Armed with hoops, litter pickers and binbags we made our way to the litter picking destination, starting at Gosford Park.

The crew made their way across the fields picking up any bits of litter but from what we could see, with it being poorly lit, it was surprisingly clean.

Deciding our efforts could be put to better use elsewhere we headed to Walsgrave Road and found a few dumping hotspots. The only time you are happy to see litter is when you are on a litter pick! We made sure these patches were spic and span before heading back to base. A few people stopped to thank us tonight too which was lovely, good to know people appreciate what we do.

In total we managed to collect about 4 large bin bags full of trash which is brilliant and according to strava we covered around 3 miles. Great work everyone! hope you've all warmed up at home and can feel your fingers again now

Catch you next week 👋

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Joe Crean
Joe Crean signed up to a group run.

Tue 16th Jan at 6:15pm

Litter pick

Helping to keep Coventry tidy

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