
Training session

Running from the Rain!

14 GoodGymers made their way on a training session in Islington.

  • Jo
  • Simon Fitzmaurice
  • Matthew Stuart
  • Jacqui
  • Harvey Gallagher
  • Redbridge runner
  • Rachel Ho
  • Linda Sharman
  • James C
  • Eilidh Wagstaff
  • Barnet runner
  • Aine Hester
  • Jen G
  • Tom Mariani
Saturday, 3rd of July 2021
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice

This morning was the return of the ever popular "Track Attack" lockdown training session- our monthly time trial at Victoria Park Track (the original chalky course open to the public, and full of dogs, footballers, cyclists and yoga enthusiasts- as it should be!). We all gathered up at the Pavilion Cafe near Globe Road before walking and cycling to the track itself. This time, we had a record turn-out, with 14 runners participating in total (including first time Track Attackers: Harvey, Rachel, Aine, Jennifer and Tom- Welcome, and Thanks for joining us!).

We organised 2 events between us- Dharmesh and Simon ran a quick zippy 1 mile TT first (4 laps of a fully course measured 400m track) to start the proceedings, while Aine took on the stopwatch duties.

We had 12 runners for the 5km TT (12.5 laps, marked out by AA Simon's spare trainers, as he forgot his marker cones...), and we saw some top quality running, excellent pacing and some impressive personal lap counting skills!

As we finished up the event, Jo and Paul found a lost phone, left in the middle of the park. It looked like it had fallen out of someone's bag. So after a hard run session, Paul took on the detective role, and was able to contact an emergency number for the phone owner, and left it with park officials for a safe pick-up.

Great work- the moral of the story is:

Don't forget to add emergency details to your phones folks!

We will be hosting the next Track Attack TT on Sunday 8th August, at 10.30am (same time, same place):

Report written by Simon Fitzmaurice

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Saturday July 3rd, 2021 18:56

Ah so missed you guys this morning, and a record turnout. We'll be back next month😊

Linda Sharman
Linda Sharman
Saturday July 3rd, 2021 19:54

I missed you and babysitting our Mali.

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GROUP RUN- Return Trip to Timbuktu Adventure Playground

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice
The Arsenal Community Hub

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