
Group run

🌬️ Wind in the willows 🍃

22 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help the Park Grove Primary Academy in York.

  • York runner
  • Ed Woollard
  • Stefan Durkin
  • Nicky Woodall
  • Nicola Gover
  • John Bourton
  • York runner
  • Paul Kelly
  • York runner
  • York runner
  • Mitch
  • Tristan Featherby
  • Debs Sharpe
  • Vicky Hearson
  • Amy Woollard
  • Laura Barrett
  • Cara Organ
  • Abigail Darton
  • David Barrett
  • James Sandie
  • York runner
  • Joanna Delgado
Monday, 11th of December 2023
Led by Nicky Woodall

❄️ 21 of us met on a chilly but dry Monday evening for our group run. Once we’d dragged ourselves from the (very) warm room into the cold, we named, numbered and warmed up while discussing our favourite Christmas food. Lots of sweet and savoury classics featured, along with Max’s “traditional” Christmas Eve lasagne. I think we know where we’ll all be heading on the 24th this year…

☃️ We also celebrated Rich‘s achievement of not (quite) being caught whilst dressed as a mince pie in the 3k Chase the Pud race yesterday.

🚚 Once warmed up, Tristan led our run to the task (while two of us cycled). After a last-minute cancellation due to a broken-down van, Vicky had saved the day by letting us come to Park Grove School. Once there, we split into three groups to get to work.

🎄The first task was to finish chopping willow, something that a number of people were so keen to do that they started heading off there without any tools! Trees were climbed and branches were sawed to the sound of shouts to warn anyone in the vicinity. And I can confirm that the prettily-decorated (non-willow) Christmas tree was not harmed in the process.

🍂 Meanwhile, another team were doing some classic autumnal leaf-clearing, sweeping/raking the paths and nearby grass and gathering a good haul.

🌱 Thirdly, what was thought to be the least popular task also gathered some noble volunteers, for some weeding. New plants have been planted near the fence we’ve helped erect and then paint. Sadly, weeds have started appearing (including our arch-enemy, the infamous bindweed). Said weeds therefore needed removing to offer these new plants a chance to thrive.

🙌 All the teams got to work with gusto and make a big difference to each of their areas. Before we knew it, it was time to finish. It was therefore all hands on deck to gather the remaining willow branches and drag them to the wildlife area.

😁 Thank you Vicky (and Gary the caretaker), we hope we’ve managed to do something helpful in return for you helping us out with a task last-minute.

💪 Thank you also to Tristan who led our fitness session based on that classic primary school game “Stuck in the Mud”, with added squats, skipping and lunges. It was soon time to head back to base for a cool-down before heading home/to the pub.

🎅 Thank you everyone, and see you for more Christmassy fun, at the Santa sleigh on Wednesday evening and/or our Christmas party on Friday evening.

Report written by Nicky Woodall

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Nicky Woodall
Led by Nicky Woodall

Area Activator for GoodGym York. Loves everything running, from parkrun alphabet collecting to marathons. Will run for cake!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • John Bourton
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Laura Barrett
    • York runner
    • York runner

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Weeding at the Fishergate Triangle

Monday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Vicky Hearson

York CVS, Denham Room

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