

Rebels Without a Clause

9 GoodGymers made their way to have an amazing time in Leeds.

  • Katie Presley
  • Rachael Cooney
  • Damu
  • Katie Lees
  • Helen Noyes
  • Mary Orobosa-Ogbeide
  • Laura
  • Adam Richards
  • Uzair Ahmed
Wednesday, 13th of December 2023
Led by Laura

9 GoodGymers had a 5K Run to go and see the Christmas lights around Headingley, followed by Christmas drinks and food at Heart, our regular meeting spot. The food was great and we all agreed that we should have more socials in 2024! We had a quiz and games with prizes which we all enjoyed, even if the questions were on the difficult side! We also took the opportunity to do some brainstorming for GoodGym Leeds 2024 so we can make it another great year.

What did we learn? Adam plays the long game when doing a quiz... If you have a nice pen set, you need to count them before you let Katie Presley leave... Helen is an amazing run leader... When Laura's having a nice time, she forgets to take photographs... Katie Lees hates Bailey's...

Thanks guys & see you in 2024 :)

Report written by Laura

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Painting and cleaning picnic benches at Left Bank

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Laura
Headingley Enterprise and Arts Centre ( HEART)

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