

We are a friendly group who meet every Wednesday evening at 6pm. We also have at least one other session in the week. Newcomers welcome!


Good Deeds

Cheers given
Cheers received

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Doing good since January 2023

Verification in progress

0 Month Streak

Verification in progress

0 Month Streak

Done a group run this month

20 Month Streak

Black T-Shirt
Tirunesh Dibaba
On a roll
Ethan Hunt
Finding your feet
Easy 10
High 5
Hat Doffer
Walk Leader
Community Cape
GoodGym Runner


Block or report Laura

Laura's next session


Clear and Tidy up of a Children's Community Garden
🗓Monday 14th October 5:30pm

📍Dewsbury Road Community Community Hub and Library LS11 6PF

The afterschool project has been paused over summer and needs to restart on 1st November, it cant restart due to tasks that need to be carried out. So this help will be amazing and allow us to restart the after school club.

One GoodGymer is going - 4 spaces left! 👀
Latest activity
Laura went on a group run

Wed 9th Oct at 6:00pm

Focused but Feeling Fruity!

Leeds Report written by Laura

Jubz lived up to his Snack Force name tonight & brought fruity snacks in the form of fruit pastilles, apples & apple juice! I've never run whilst eating sweets before, but gave it a good go this evening. He brought apple juice from his apple pressing task at the weekend & gifted it to me, so I was very grateful. Thanks Jubz.

Tonight, we split into two groups & leafletted for OWLS, or leafleteering as Shannen called it :) Helen did an amazing job sorting out the routes & we got round much quicker than in previous sessions. Thanks Helen! She then led the faster group & Christian organised roles for each person, asking Katie & Rachael to sprint to the various houses... well done ladies! The slower group got round all but 2 addresses which Helen will do for us tomorrow. We obviously spent more time eating sweets than running, but still managed a respectable 5.5K. Well done all, we got our miles in tonight & thanks again to Helen for being so organised.

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Laura signed up to a community mission.

Mon 14th Oct at 5:30pm

Clear and Tidy up of a Children's Community Garden

The afterschool project has been paused over summer and needs to restart on 1st November, it cant restart due to tasks that need to be carried out. So this help will be amazing and allow us to restart the after school club.

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