Chloe Merrick


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Chloe Merrick
Chloe Merrick went on a group run

Wed 11th Sep at 6:00pm

The paths have com-frey

Leeds Report written by Helen Noyes

Eight GoodGymers headed to Bedford Fields tonight to meet up with Beth and tackle today's task. She quickly set us up with assorted implements (including a bread knife) to clear the overgrown Comfrey edging the paths. We also tackled the bindweed that has been strangling the fruit trees and bushes and thinned out the mint. The air became minty fresh and we all started to think about our dinners...Finally, Beth told us about the living piano that is to be installed in the garden....a future project, perhaps for GoodGym! Tonight the runners clocked up 5km to help Chloe reach her 100km in 3 weeks target.

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Wed 11th Sep at 10:21pm

Well done all 👏

Chloe Merrick
Chloe Merrick signed up to a group run.

Wed 11th Sep at 6:00pm

Gardening at Bedford Fields

By ensuring the community can enjoy the garden

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Chloe Merrick
Chloe Merrick completed 10 good deeds with GoodGym. 🥳

Wednesday 4th September

Easy 10

Easy 10

Chloe Merrick completed 10 good deeds with GoodGym.

Chloe has done 10 good deeds. They are a trusted GoodGym runner and are now eligible to join their local TaskForce.

Chloe Merrick
Chloe Merrick went on a group run

Wed 4th Sep at 6:00pm

A Rounder Drinks...

Leeds Report written by Laura

Tonight we met at Heart and headed into Tiny Boo for a deep clean of the nursery space. There were 13 of us, so it didn't take long to clean the furniture, toys, carpet and climbing frame. Some of the group did the surfaces in the corridors as well.

We were supposed to be having a game of rounders in the park but it was rainy and wet so we decided just to head to the pub for a rounder drinks instead!

We went to Head of Steam and found 2 Shuffleboards where we had a tournament with Bryony and Jitheesh winning their rounds but Bryony taking the final win...Well done Bryony!

Some of the boys played darts & pool. It was great catching up over a drink, thanks all & see you for the next installment.

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Chloe Merrick
Chloe Merrick signed up to a group run.

Wed 4th Sep at 6:00pm

Rounders in the Park after a Heart Nursery Deep Clean

It will support Heart in providing a safe, clean nursery space

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Chloe Merrick
Chloe Merrick went on a group run

Wed 14th Aug at 6:00pm

If You've Got It, Haunt It!

Leeds Report written by Laura

Ghost stories and clairvoyants were the theme of the evening!! Women in bedrooms, whispered names & trains on tarot cards were all part of the haunting tales....

10 GoodGymers ran up to the OWLS allotments where we weeded a large area and cleared the paths so that it's ready for OWLS service users. We then ran back to Heart for a pint and cake; what more could we want on a Wednesday evening? Running, weeding, ghosts, cider and cake....perfect!!

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Chloe Merrick
Chloe Merrick signed up to a group run.

Wed 14th Aug at 6:00pm

Gardening at OWLS allotments

By ensuring the community can enjoy the garden

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Chloe Merrick
Chloe Merrick went on a group run

Wed 7th Aug at 6:00pm

A profusion of purple

Leeds Report written by Helen Noyes

Six GoodGymers ran/cycled or walked to Rosebank Park to do a litter pick for Hyde Park Source. We filled 9 purple 'Litter Free Leeds' bags with assorted trash, interestingly including a vacuum cleaner.....unfortunately not in working order. Rosebank Park is well used by the local community but gets very choked by takeaway cartons, drinks cans and bottles. Hopefully we have improved the environment this evening so the park can be a more pleasant place to spend time in.

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Wed 7th Aug at 8:40pm

Well done everyone 👏
