0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
53 Month Streak
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📍Headingley Enterprise and Arts Centre ( HEART) LS6 3HN
By ensuring the community can enjoy the garden
Wed 9th Oct at 6:00pm
Jubz lived up to his Snack Force name tonight & brought fruity snacks in the form of fruit pastilles, apples & apple juice! I've never run whilst eating sweets before, but gave it a good go this evening. He brought apple juice from his apple pressing task at the weekend & gifted it to me, so I was very grateful. Thanks Jubz.
Tonight, we split into two groups & leafletted for OWLS, or leafleteering as Shannen called it :) Helen did an amazing job sorting out the routes & we got round much quicker than in previous sessions. Thanks Helen! She then led the faster group & Christian organised roles for each person, asking Katie & Rachael to sprint to the various houses... well done ladies! The slower group got round all but 2 addresses which Helen will do for us tomorrow. We obviously spent more time eating sweets than running, but still managed a respectable 5.5K. Well done all, we got our miles in tonight & thanks again to Helen for being so organised.