Rachael Cooney


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Rachael Cooney
Rachael Cooney went on a group run

Wed 17th Jul at 6:00pm


Leeds Report written by Laura

Tonight 11 GoodGymers ran up to Bedford Fields where we did a variety of tasks involving a pond, a couch and sticky weed!

One group created a larger mound for the edge of the new pond, some of the boys took great satisfaction in breaking up an old couch and some of us pruned and pulled up lots and lots of sticky weeds.

There were many nettle stings and a few crawling insects but Jubz did his obligatory pose with not only a spade but with sledge hammer too, so all is well with the world!

We welcomed Nazia to GoodGym tonight, we hope to see you again soon!!

We made a big impact in an hour so well done all!!

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Rachael Cooney
Rachael Cooney signed up to a group run.

Wed 17th Jul at 6:00pm

Gardening at Bedford Fields

By ensuring the community can enjoy the garden

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Rachael Cooney
Rachael Cooney went on a community mission

Wed 26th Jun at 6:00pm

Every Shoe Has a Pair

Leeds Report written by Laura

Tonight was our biggest Wednesday group since I started! 14 of us headed to help Homeless Hampers to sort through their donations.

We had many jobs between us; we helped unpack & sort donations in the van, we took many many shoes & found pairs for them & sorted them into sizes, we found donations of clothes to give out to homeless people in Leeds, we sorted bundles of towels & sheets into piles & most importantly we ate KitKats!

We nearly had a 15th member when we found traces of a mouse who had been living in a shoe! Fortunately, it decided not to make an appearance...phew! :)

Welcome to newcomers Jeremy & Hashim & welcome back Haimish & Leah to their second sessions. Kat completed her 60th good deed tonight & Uzair did his 10th! Well done & thanks for all you do for GoodGym Leeds.

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Rachael Cooney
Rachael Cooney signed up to a community mission.

Wed 26th Jun at 6:00pm

Helping Sort Donations for Homeless Hampers

It will help this small charity sort out their storage space

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Rachael Cooney
Rachael Cooney went on a community mission

Wed 19th Jun at 6:00pm

Nailed It!

Leeds Report written by Laura

Tonight we ran from Heart and headed to Ash Road Allotments to dismantle the pergola at the OWLS allotment.

It was a shame to pull it down but it wasn't safe, so we hammered, crow barred, pulled & pushed until we managed to get it to fall onto one side. We then dismantled the wood and spent some time pulling screws out of the wood.

We also found time to eat some raspberries and to pick rhubarb to take home. There was a debate about whether a crumble was considered baking...but I'm holding firm on my achievement of baking my first crumble with the gooseberries picked last week.

Good work all & we completed the task with time to spare!

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Rachael Cooney
Rachael Cooney signed up to a community mission.

Wed 19th Jun at 6:00pm

Dismantling the Pergola at the OWLS Ash Road Allotments

It will help to provide a safe space for the service users to garden & socialise

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Rachael Cooney
Rachael Cooney went on a community mission

Wed 12th Jun at 6:00pm

Playing Gooseberry

Leeds Report written by Laura

Digging trenches & picking gooseberries were the name of the game this evening.

9 of us ran up to Bedford Fields tonight, where we dug out a trench for some potting plants. We then finished up early so we could forage for some gooseberries in the garden. I'm going to attempt my very first crumble with them this weekend :)

It was lovely to welcome newcomer Haimish to GoodGym Leeds & to welcome back Riobhne after a long break. Great to see you both.

Good work team!

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Rachael Cooney
Rachael Cooney signed up to a community mission.

Wed 12th Jun at 6:00pm

GoodGym Leeds x Great Big Green Week: Gardening at Bedford Fields

It will provide areas for local residents to harvest free soft fruits

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Rachael Cooney
Rachael Cooney went on a community mission

Wed 5th Jun at 6:00pm

One potato, two potato, three potato, four...

Leeds Report written by Helen Noyes

5 intrepid GoodGymers made their way to the OWLS allotment for another jolly evening of weeding and clearing paths to improve accessibility and help start the growing season. The weeds grow amazingly well, so hopefully when the crops are sown, they will thrive as well. In fact, we found some new potatoes as we were lifting weeds so someone got a free supper...

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Wed 5th Jun at 10:20pm

Well done everyone, and it looks like you made more progress 👏

Rachael Cooney
Rachael Cooney signed up to a community mission.

Wed 5th Jun at 6:00pm

Gardening at OWLS Allotments

Helping promote the service to elderly residents

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