
Community mission

Not 4 candles. Just 1 fork handle.

10 GoodGymers made their way to help the Portsmouth Residents and Visitors in Portsmouth.

  • Portsmouth runner
  • Samantha Belfrage
  • Sinéad McCarthy
  • Portsmouth runner
  • Val Cameron
  • Laura Wells
  • Judy Knapp
  • Katie London
  • Wilson
  • Duncan Redford
Sunday, 31st of December 2023
Led by Judy Knapp

A fork handle was just one of the large pieces of rubbish we found at Tipner beach on New Year's Eve, as well as the multiple pieces of plastic and polystyrene.

But we were an enthusiastic bunch of GoodGymers and mini GGers (+ 1 partner) and we tackled the task with gusto.

After just 45 minutes in the strong wind, we carried away 2 full black sacks and multiple small bags of recyclables.

Well done everyone for all the hard work at Tipner during 2023!

Report written by Judy Knapp

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Judy Knapp
Led by Judy Knapp

I love to combine keeping active, helping my local community, protecting the environment and having fun with others doing the same.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Katie London

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