Laura Wells


Love being by the sea, running, cycling and travelling!


Good Deeds

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Doing good since June 2018

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Done a group run this month

8 Month Streak

TaskForce achievements

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Walk Leader
Mission Impossible
Starter's pistol
Black T-Shirt
Ethan Hunt
On a roll
Community Cape
Finding your feet
Haile Gebrselassie
Easy 10
Mo Farah
Hat Doffer
High 5
Tirunesh Dibaba
GoodGym Runner


Block or report Laura Wells

Laura Wells's next session


Southsea Beach Clean
๐Ÿ—“Saturday 7th September 10:00am

๐Ÿ“Eastney Coffee Cup PO4 9GE

Join the challenge to clear the plastic

Laura Wells
One GoodGymer is going
Latest activity
Laura Wells
Laura Wells went on a community mission

Thu 18th Jul at 12:45pm

Lunchtime litter pickers!

Portsmouth Report written by Laura Wells

Another great lunchtime session making Bransbury Park that little bit cleaner! Had a fair bit of small litter in the train area and lots outside the cafe. Plus some fun antics shooting videos - how many GGers does it take? Lots! :โ -โ )

Great teamwork and we'll be back next month!

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Rosie SayersJudy Knapp
Laura Wells
Laura Wells went on a community mission

Sun 23rd Jun at 8:45am

Sunny Sunday parkrun Fun!

Portsmouth Report written by Jen Stoneham

Thanks to all of the GoodGymers who came down to help out at Junior parkrun today.

Dave did a super job keeping the kiddos in line as Funnel Manager whilst Angela and Laura kept everyone on the right path as marshals. Mini GGer Jack did a super job helping his mum marshal, and being chief cone collector and organiser at the end! Abby certainly got her steps in as a Tailwalker this morning!

Great effort everyone, well done!

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Dave MJane
Laura Wells
Laura Wells signed up to a community mission.

Sun 23rd Jun at 8:45am

Laura Wells
Laura Wells went on a community mission

Thu 20th Jun at 12:45pm

Keeping Milton green!

Portsmouth Report written by Laura Wells

Jane, Tracey and I did a spot of lunchtime litter picking in Bransbury Park and surrounding areas. We will be doing this every month to try and make a difference!

As well as the usual, we also found a golf ball despite being nowhere near a golf course!! Lots of lovely passers-by thanking us and asking what we were doing. Two bags of litter collected, a lunchtime well spent!

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Judy KnappJane
