
Community mission

I like big bulbs and I cannot lie!

12 GoodGymers made their way to help the City of York Council and City of York Council in York.

  • Michal Czekajlo
  • York runner
  • Stefan Durkin
  • Ellie Dove
  • Nicola Gover
  • John Bourton
  • York runner
  • York runner
  • Tamar Goudie (Tay)
  • York runner
  • Lyndsey Hay
  • Kallum Taylor
Friday, 6th of January 2023
Led by York runner

Twelve GG Yorkies met Kristina from City of York Council on an unusually mild and pleasant Friday morning in West Bank Park. A few of us had already got some kms banked by doing some hill reps up to the nearby windmill - even Kallum who was joining us for the first time (he deserves some big cheers). Thanks to Claire for the suggestion!

Our task was to plant 750 bulbs - some smaller "tête-á-tête" narcissus bulbs and some bigger bulbs, another type of narcissus (daffodil). We were to plant in drifts, covering quite a wide area alongside one of the paths. With a variety of tools (Kristina is always very well equipped) we had all the bulbs planted in an hour. We shall look forward to seeing what they look like when they (hopefully) all come up in the spring.

We went our separate ways, walking, cycling, running, with a few of us meeting up again for the obligatory Friday crew café visit. A very pleasant way to spend a morning!

Report written by York runner

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Weeding at the Fishergate Triangle

Monday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Vicky Hearson

York CVS, Denham Room

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