
Community mission

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6 GoodGymers made their way to help the Maryon Park Community Garden in Greenwich.

  • John Shirley
  • John D Wren
  • Bexley runner
  • Greenwich runner
  • Sarah Hornsey
  • Julian Osman
Saturday, 11th of February 2023
Led by Rachel Henry

It was a beautiful morning, and after enjoying our last sips of post-parkrun coffee at the Old Cottage Cafe in Charlton Park, 6 GoodGymer’s ambled their way to the wonderful Maryon Park Community Garden. This garden really is magical, you half expect to find pixies in it. It's cleverly tucked away at the top of Maryon Park. Blink and you miss it. It is full of quirky bits of furniture, homemade garden ornaments and decorations and most of all it has lovely views across Charlton and beyond.

When we got there, we were greeted by Edna and Tim, the lovely couple who run the garden. They had two tasks and which we split into groups for. One task was to wheelbarrow homemade mulch up to the top of the garden to cover the raised beds there growing all sorts of organic produce. The other group was tasked with clearing out the greenhouse and giving it a good clean.

After not too long these tasks were finished. As we felt like we weren't quite done we were happy to do another task of cutting back some of the overhanging trees that were intruding into the garden. This gave us a task we could all work on together so armed with loppers we got to cutting back the overhanging branches. This was hard work and when Tim said the immortal words "Tea break!", we were all happy to down tools and make our way to the tea and coffee station. Edna had also laid on a few lovely veggie snacks for us. She really does go to a lot of effort which was really appreciated on a sunny, but chilly February morning.

After drinking the tea and eating our snacks we were happy to look through photographs of the garden throughout the years. It really is something to treasure!

Tim then took us to the Forest School area at the back where in the past they've held film events and it also serves as an outdoor classroom for local school children.

This lovely task was Julian's 300th good deed. What an amazing achievement, bravo Julian!

(Note by Sarah Wren: Report actually written by Sarah Hornsey, I just posted it because Sarah experienced technical issues.)

Report written by Bexley runner

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Rachel Henry
Led by Rachel Henry

Area Activator at GoodGym Greenwich. I love community and getting to know all the great initiatives and people that make it what it is!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Sarah Hornsey

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GROUP RUN - gardening at Christchurch

Wednesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Rachel Henry
Old Royal Naval College, Pepys Building

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