
Group run

Canoe-dling around the back

10 GoodGymers made their way 4.7km to help the cwtch together in Cardiff.

  • Michael
  • Emma Wilkins
  • Su Fernandez
  • Aimee Giles
  • Martin Graff
  • Nathan Swain
  • Michelle Bacon
  • Andrew Skelton
  • Jen Velu
  • Estelle
Tuesday, 10th of January 2023
Led by Michael

We made our way back to our friends at Cwtch Together, New Year and New Area to deal with. Once there, the gang had a rest and a chat whilst Michal and Sarah made there way around to the 'Secret Garden'......and secret it most certainly was.

Down past the sheds that we had built some years earlier, round the back of the building until we were suddenly in an overgrown jungle.

Challenge ACCEPTED

After a quick look around, Michael made their way back to call the team over - tools in hand it was time to attack the brambles, filling bags as we went along. We found a canoe, some guttering and lost a light!

Time's up, and there was only one place to have our group photo, as we admired the work done in just half an hour. A nice jog / run back to our starting point and we were finished for another Tuesday evening.

Report written by Michael

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Led by Michael

Goodgym Area Activator for Cardiff & the Vale, I believe in the transformative power of running & the Arts

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Aimee Giles

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31 Group Task - Global Gardens

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Michael
Glassworks, Westminster Bldg

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