
Group run

Bulbs and Baked goooooods

16 GoodGymers made their way 8.4km to help the Marston Community Garden in Oxford.

  • Greenwich runner
  • Ellie Evans
  • Anwen Greenaway
  • Bethan Greenaway
  • Mark
  • Sarah
  • Aoife Fitzgerald
  • Vicky Arnold
  • Katie Fellows
  • Ben Gremson
  • Anja
  • Henry Gibson
  • Fred Collman
  • Oliver
  • Andy
  • Artur
Wednesday, 8th of November 2023
Led by Anwen Greenaway

This evening a bunch of gardening Goodgymers indulged in a spot of speedy planting.

Teaming up with Alistair from Marston Community Garden we continued our bulb plabting project around Marston. The idea is to cover green spaces on the drive into Oxford with bulbs to create a colourful welcome to the city come the spring.

With limited light and time we cracked on quickly and managed to work our way through several buckets of bulbs.

Congratulations to Alistair on Marston Community Gardens recent award!

More congrats to Oliver for reaching 10 good deeds and to Fred for reachinf 50!! Thank you to Fred for the delicious cookies. Almost made up for my lck of posh pesto.....

A warm welcome to Marta visiting us from Greenwich. Please come and see us again next time you're in Oxford!

One more planting session in 2023 folks!

Report written by Bethan Greenaway

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Anwen Greenaway
Led by Anwen Greenaway

Goodgym Coordinator for Oxford. Trail runner, often muddy.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Bethan Greenaway
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Katie Fellows
    • Aoife Fitzgerald
    • Mark
    • Bethan Greenaway

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Aston’s Eyot

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:30
Led by Anwen Greenaway
Richard Benson Hall

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