

Good Deeds

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Mark went on a group run

Wed 26th Jun at 6:00pm

Sow what?

Oxford Report written by Anwen Greenaway

Bayard's Hill Primary School garden is taking shape, and having filled up the raised beds on our last visit, today it was time to sow some seeds. GoodGymers generously brought along some seed donations to add to Lucy's stash. We were able to sow 2 beds of salad (spinach, lettuce, radishes, herbs), a bed of sunflowers, build climbing frames and sow 2 beds of runner beans and one of peas, sweet peas in the small triangular bed, and finally carrots and turnips together in the last raised bed. Finally, we distributed wildflower seeds in the area beyond the raised beds.

We hope there will be signs of things growing (other than thistles!) before the end of the school year and that will get the staff and pupils keen to take ownership of their garden plot next academic year.

Welcome to GoodGym Heidy!

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Vicky ArnoldAnwen GreenawayBethan GreenawayMatt Burton
Mark signed up to a group run.

Wed 26th Jun at 6:00pm

Mark went on a group run

Wed 12th Jun at 6:00pm

All hail the Grounddwellers

Oxford Report written by Anwen Greenaway

Foxwell Drive's Tiny Forest was planted on 28 January 2021 by local contractors (in line with Covid restrictions). It is a curved shape that follows the road and is adjacent to the A40. It's had a few years to get established now, and many of the trees are thriving. Unfortunately a lot of nettles, brambles and other plants are also thriving and choking/competing with the trees.

We were called in for a two-pronged task - to clear around the trees to give them more chance of continuing to thrive and to uncover the tags needed for monitoring. Once we'd cleared a good area we then pivoted to some of the monitoring surveys - taking measurements of the tagged trees (and each others' ears for some reason!), and then doing a grounddwellers count to finish off.

Our very own Lorenzo is a volunteer with Tiny Forests and so has a monitoring kit, so hopefully we can independently head out for some monintoring surveys another time. We only have 1 more Tiny Forest in Oxford which we haven't visited yet, so let's head to Meadow Lane soon!

Congratulations to Anna on completing her 50th Good Deed!

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Bethan GreenawayKatie FellowsVicky ArnoldAnwen Greenaway

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Fri 14th Jun at 7:42am

Great job everyone

Jack Da Silva

Tue 18th Jun at 12:33pm

Great to read about this, well done everyone!

Mark went on a group run

Wed 5th Jun at 6:00pm

Path to Success

Oxford Report written by Anwen Greenaway

With Boundary Brook Nature Park Open Afternoon this coming Saturday GoodGym were called in this week to make sure all the paths were clear and wide enough for wheelchairs and buggies. We took a 'divide and conquer' approach, with teams heading to different zones of the nature park to ensure that the paths were fully accessible. The site is now ready for visitors this weekend. In two weeks time we will return to replenish the gravel along the paths to help them stay dry and usable year round.

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Anwen GreenawayBethan GreenawayKatie FellowsVicky Arnold
Mark signed up to a group run.

Wed 5th Jun at 6:00pm

Mark went on a community mission

Wed 17th Jan at 6:00pm

Flags and Footwear

Oxford Report written by Bethan Greenaway


This evening we gathered at Oxfordshire County Hall to box up trainers that we've been collection through the week and make bunting for the Children's Book Project.

Armed with tape, templates, string, worn out books and discarded trainers we set to work. The end result was six VERY jolly strings of bunting, 48 pairs of trainers boxed up to be sent to JogOn, and plans to repeat the activities in February.

A group of hardy Goodgymers then donned all their layers and ran a chilly 5k whilst everyone else (with any sense) scuttled on home to the warm.

Great work everyone!!

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Anwen GreenawayKatie FellowsVicky Arnold
Mark signed up to a community mission.

Wed 17th Jan at 6:00pm

Trainers for JogOn

Plus crafting bunting

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Mark went on a group run

Wed 3rd Jan at 6:00pm

Hey! Ho! Bingo!

Oxford Report written by Anwen Greenaway

Last night we started 2024 strong with a spot of litter pick bingo. Litter was cleared, strange items found (a tap, cutlery), and we only got a tiny bit competitive about our litter bingo cards.

A flying start to the January challenge.

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Bethan GreenawayVicky Arnold
Mark signed up to a group run.

Wed 3rd Jan at 6:00pm

Mark went on a community mission

Wed 27th Dec 2023 at 5:00pm

All the trimmings

Oxford Report written by Anwen Greenaway

Oxford Homeless Project Christmas meal was a warm and festive evening. Christmas dinner was served, gifts given to guests, chats had, washing up done.

We were really pleased to play a small part in making it happen.

Welcome to GoodGym Frederic!

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Bethan GreenawayMatt BurtonVicky ArnoldAnwen Greenaway
