
Community mission

Playing Gooseberry

9 GoodGymers made their way to help the Bedford Fields in Leeds.

  • Katie Presley
  • Rachael Cooney
  • Katie Lees
  • Riobhne
  • Helen Noyes
  • Laura
  • Ben Etherington
  • Leeds runner
  • Haimish
Wednesday, 12th of June 2024
Led by Laura

Digging trenches & picking gooseberries were the name of the game this evening.

9 of us ran up to Bedford Fields tonight, where we dug out a trench for some potting plants. We then finished up early so we could forage for some gooseberries in the garden. I'm going to attempt my very first crumble with them this weekend :)

It was lovely to welcome newcomer Haimish to GoodGym Leeds & to welcome back Riobhne after a long break. Great to see you both.

Good work team!

Report written by Laura

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Led by Laura

We are a friendly group who meet every Wednesday evening at 6pm. We also have at least one other session in the week. Newcomers welcome!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Helen Noyes
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Helen Noyes

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Painting and cleaning picnic benches at Left Bank

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Laura
Headingley Enterprise and Arts Centre ( HEART)

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