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Kingston upon Thames

Sorting Christmas gifts into age groups for Growbaby 🎅🎄🎁
🗓Tuesday 6th August 6:30pm

📍Kingston Quaker Centre KT1 2PZ

Spreading cheer at Christmas for kids in care

Dave WhiteClaire Dunne
Arlyn Joy CauilanJana
7 GoodGymers are going
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Jana signed up to a group run.

Tue 6th Aug at 6:30pm

Dave WhiteRachel White
Jana went on a group run

Tue 9th Jul at 6:30pm

Dave WhiteRachel White

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Tom Peacock

Tue 9th Jul at 6:07pm

See you guys there

Rachel White

Tue 9th Jul at 6:22pm

Ok Tom, see you there!

Jana signed up to a party.

Tue 9th Jul at 8:30pm

Dave WhiteRachel White
Jana signed up to a group run.

Tue 9th Jul at 6:30pm

Cleaning bikes and doing odd jobs at Full Cycle

Full Cycle is an independent, non-profit community group that donate bikes to people in need

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Rachel White
Jana went on a group run

Tue 25th Jun at 6:30pm

Getting to the root of it

Kingston upon Thames Report written by Rachel White

What a gorgeous evening spent at Surbiton Library weeding the frontage and paths. Rachel and Dave cycled and ran from the Quaker Centre and met Anna, Luke and Jana. We had a simple task - to smarten up the front of the building by removing all the weeds and litter.

We got to work. Luke tackled the beginning of a tree that had planted itself in the walkway planters - as much as we love trees it had already started to lift and destroy the brickwork. Not the right placement for a tree at all! He also tackled an ivy root ball and made a great attempt at pulling out a large number of roots.

Dave started on the weeds in the centre of the walkway and Rachel, Jana and Anna got to work on other weeds in other areas.

The hour flew by and we made a positive difference to the area which will hopefully prevent antisocial behaviour and littering in front of this important community hub. Well done team! Great work.

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Rachel WhiteSevanDave White
Jana signed up to a group run.

Tue 25th Jun at 6:30pm

Dave WhiteRachel White
Jana went on a group run

Tue 11th Jun at 6:30pm

Getting Searchlight squeaky clean

Kingston upon Thames Report written by Emma Crowe

10 GoodGymers headed to Searchlight for our regular Tuesday session to give the kitchen and approach to the building a thorough deep clean.

Searchlight Community Centre is a great facility, used by Mencap and other local groups. With a visit from the environmental health inspectors due, they reached out for our help.

GoodGymer Martel, who frequently volunteers at Searchlight, was able to give everyone a good briefing on what was needed.

Claire, Jana, Jassy, Rachel, Emma and Dave all helped in the kitchen - clearing out and cleaning the cupboards and the fridge, and dusting and scrubbing all the surfaces and floor.

Meanwhile Tom, Jade and Sabir rolled up their sleeves and weeded outside. They importantly also cut back the branches obscuring the Searchlight signage on the main road, so this vital community facility can be found more easily by its many visitors!

A highlight of the evening was congratulating and ‘crowning’ Sabir on achieving 50 good deeds - what a community hero!

Some of us finished off the evening with a group run back to the Quaker Centre - while those who had cycled to the task headed straight for home.

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Rachel White
Jana signed up to a community mission.

Sun 21st Jul at 10:00am

Rachel White
Jana signed up to a community mission.

Sat 29th Jun at 10:00am

Rachel White
