

Long distance runner for 10 years and have volunteered for a few charities, particularly focusing on avoiding food waste and helping those in food poverty


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Flyers for Southampton City Farm
🗓Monday 29th July 5:30pm

📍Southampton City Farm SO16 9FQ

Helping the farm to transform the community and lives of those who use it

LaurenAlice TanJo WhiteHannah
4 GoodGymers are going
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Hannah signed up to a community mission.

Mon 29th Jul at 6:30pm

Helping out at Southampton City Farm

Helping the farm to transform the community and lives of those who use it

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Hannah signed up to a community mission.

Mon 29th Jul at 5:30pm

Flyers for Southampton City Farm

Helping the farm to transform the community and lives of those who use it

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Hannah went on a community mission

Sun 21st Jul at 10:45am

Al-pac-a Flag!

Southampton Report written by Lauren

We had a wonderful morning this morning doing something a little bit different! We took part in the walking carnival parade for Shirleys big eco festival - organised by the Wayne Howard foundation in memorial of Wayne Howard and to encourage sustainability in the local community.

The parade went around the local streets, spearheaded by a group of scottish bagpipers, a group of baton twirlers (then us!) followed by a convoy of eco friendly bikes of all shapes and varieties! Everyone was there to support and promote local sustainability and with an added bonus of a parade we definitely got our steps in!

After the parade we enjoyed the stalls including ones from our friends at Shirley Pond Park and Sholing Valleys. But the highlight was definitely the gorgeous Alpacas!

And to top it off we commandeered a cycling Stormtrooper!

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Stephanie LongyLauren

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Mark Gilyead
Mark Gilyead (he/him)

Mon 22nd Jul at 1:35pm

Love this! Top punning Lauren and lovely to see the red tees out for all to see. 😎


Tue 23rd Jul at 5:54am

Thanks Mark! I can’t claim credit for the great pun though, Sarah’s son came up with it - its great! 😁

Hannah went on a community mission

Mon 8th Jul at 6:30pm

What's the worse that could happen?

Southampton Report written by Wilson

Lovely to be back at Aldermoor Farm, such a feel good place to be. This evening we were tasked with cutting back the plants that line the fence with the pavement, keeping the outside view looking nice for any passing public.

We had a quick briefing from Richard with a chance to consider "what's the worse thing that could happen" (a useful way of highlighting any potential health and safety issues). Then much to Wilsons delight, at 18:32 we made a start to tackle the plants from both sides of the fence, and with the tools supplied by Richard we were able to make a good job of it in the hour we had.

Ellie presented Sarah with her 50 badge, which she was able to wear for a part of the task until it got too soggy in the rain.

We also welcomed Lee who is part of Energise Me and had come to join us for the task and to chat to us to see how he could assist.

The rain didn't scupper us at all - in fact it was quite nice to be out in it

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Hannah signed up to a community mission.

Mon 8th Jul at 6:30pm

Helping at Aldermoor Community Farm

The farm provides organic produce and a space for the local community to visit and enjoy

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Hannah went on a community mission

Mon 24th Jun at 6:30pm

Short, back and "hides"

Southampton Report written by Wilson

Another lovely session at Shirley Warren Action Church, this time we were tackling the bindwind and a big bush.

The bind weed is everywhere and so tricky to pull out as it winds itself around the other plants but Hannah and Lauren did well!

The big bush/tree has a middle hide area for kids to play in but was all overgrown so Sarah, Ellie and Wilson gave it a short back and sides to tame it a bit!

This evening was also Sarah's 50th Good Deed, and we celebratd by ....er well we forgot.... oopsie. But as Ellie pointed out its better to wear the badge on the 51st task.... otherwise you are wearing it before you have actually completed 50... Well done Sarah 🤩👏

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LaurenSarah RitchieWilson

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Ivo (he/him)

Tue 25th Jun at 11:09am

This looks like a lot of fun!

Mark Gilyead
Mark Gilyead (he/him)

Tue 25th Jun at 1:33pm

Congrats Sarah 🔥🧯

Jack Da Silva

Tue 25th Jun at 5:33pm


Hannah went on a community mission

Sun 23rd Jun at 2:41pm

Bumper litter pick!

Southampton Report written by Hannah

Went with the lovely Lydia for a great litter pick along the main road through the village.

With two of us we spotted more and managed to get a few chunky bits out of the undergrowth that would have been hard to do alone. Including a giant chunk of bumper that someone seemed to have driven off without

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Judy KnappLauren
Hannah signed up to a community mission.

Mon 24th Jun at 6:30pm

Hannah went on a community mission

Mon 17th Jun at 6:30pm

Collection for the foodbank

Southampton Report written by Lauren

We did a collection this evening of essential goodies for vulnerable people in need on behalf of Southampton City Mission. We had a really lovely amount to take and donate

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Hannah went on a community mission

Mon 17th Jun at 6:30pm

Every day I’m shovelling!

Southampton Report written by Lauren

Fresh from leafleting we returned to the farm. We had a much smaller (but still mighty!) compliment this evening than we normally get at the farm but still did an excellent job (if i do say so myself!)

We have been involved in the community nature days the farm have been running helping to build a sensory 'living food bank' maze.

A membrane has now been put down and our task for the evening was to transport the woodchip at the front of the farm down to the maze site and lay a path using the trusty wheelbarrows and shovels.

We all got stuck in and were well looked after as always by Danni and Thomas who as ever supplied us with good tunes and some nice chats.

Hannah fully utilised the opportunity to take some anger out on shovelling woodchip - not just good exercise but therapeutic too!

It was good to see the maze finally coming together after another lovely evening at the farm

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LaurenWilsonSarah Ritchie

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Mark Gilyead
Mark Gilyead (he/him)

Tue 18th Jun at 8:49am

Heroes! Great work everyone 👍
