Jubilee Primary School

165 GoodGymers have supported Jubilee Primary School with 33 tasks.

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LambethGroup run

Soil, Shovel & Sh** at the School !!

Tuesday 21st May

Written by Yianny (he / him)

Whenever the weather in the UK is **** (you'll see a theme here) that is when GoodGymers find a way to shine!

Last night was a great example where the supposed start of summer was out on pause and the grey rainy weather moved back in all day long. That didn't stop Jo and Paul from turning out to help with a very simple task back at Jubilee Primary School.

Juan requested that we move a large bag of soil from the upper staff car park down to the lower playground where the children use the planters to dig and explore the soil.

Our first small challenge was dealing with a soggy poo kindly left by some local creature on top of the soil bag which Jo managed with a flick of the wrist - nice work.

After that we shoveled some of soil into the wheelbarrow and the remaining bag was dragged down by the handles. The rest was easy with the soil being deposited into the planter and then we tidied up the equipment.

So that was that, quick and efficient and we were a big help to Juan who would have had to do that on his own!

A big thank you guys for coming out in that weather and see you next time :0)

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LambethGroup run
Tilly Baker HineFiJoao FernandesLiz Marsland

Thanks Very Mulch !!

Tuesday 7th May

Written by Yianny (he / him)

Last night we had a classic GG task on our hands - a good ole lift n shift - where we had to move two 1000kg bags of wood chip from the upper playground to the lower play garden at Jubilee Primary.

Let's Get Physical! https://i.pinimg.com/originals/42/c8/42/42c842fcd2c5b1311b694a8af964a134.gif

Run Leader Joao met AA Yianny, Fi and Tilly at Papa's while we planned to pick up Jo on our way and then meet our two walkers Liz (great to have you back with us!) and Marie-Noelle at the school.

It was a lovely run in the evening sun and we have now pivoted from GG Book Club to summer holz recommendations - Cyprus, Canada and Crete on the list for our runners - destinations beginning with other letters are available ;0)

With a lovely 18 degrees and sunny out everything was perfect and so we divided into two groups, one preparing the playground by weeding and clearing while the other shoveled (and bucketed) wood chip into a wheelbarrow then ran it down to be dumped.

The main challenge was having large steps between the playgrounds meaning we had to carry down the wheelbarrow and large bags but after a ten or so return trips all the mulch was moved and the playground was looking much better as well as safer for the kids to play on.

Juan has plenty more for us to do so we will be back at Jubilee Primary in two week's time - sign up here to get involved: https://www.goodgym.org/happenings/helping-juan-at-jubilee-primary-school-tuesday-s-group-run-a249a9e4-fa1e-4a89-b5db-b95b3c82da05

Big thanks to all and see you next week as we visit St Faith's to see the completion of the straw hall!

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LambethGroup run
YiannyEffieNathan WoodAbbie WilliamsMichael WelshKaz PodstolskiFi

Weed Planned to Help Out and by the End Were Bushed !!

Tuesday 9th January

Written by Yianny (he / him)

Last night despite the freezing temperatures the GoodGym Lambeth crew were back out there heading over to Jubilee Primary School to give Juan a helping hand.

The task was a simple one but any help during this time of the year is warmly (!) welcome so the team set about weeding and trimming back the bushes to have the place ship shape for the young learners when they arrived on Wednesday morning.

Our All Star Task Force member Nathan led the run and brought the group there and back in no time, while Marie-Noelle and Paul joined us walking.

Thanks to Kaz, Fi (welcome back!) and Michael for risking your fingers to frostbite and I look forward to being back with you next week for a really fun session - it's Litter Pick Bingo !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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LambethGroup run
YiannyTilly Baker HineJoao FernandesMichael WelshOlivia NellerLindy MacfarlaneCharlotte Emms

Jubilee Primary School is All Write !!

Tuesday 28th November 2023

Written by Yianny (he / him)

Last night our fantastic Run Leader Joao stepped into the breach to cover the run as AA Yianny was on family duty and it was a great group turnout to boot!

Most of the group met at Papa's to get out of the cold for a few minutes before setting off while Marie-Noelle, Paul and Lindy met the group at the task. It was also lovely to see Elsa back for her second session in two weeks (that way a streak lies!)

After an easy run the group arrived and were let in by the cleaning staff and by the looks of the pictures were in charge of shifting loo roll about as well as some weeding and pruning of one of the outdoor spaces.

We will keep it as simple as that for this week's report but if any of the group want to update on any humourous goings on then please add that into the comments section below.

Big thanks to all and we are now on the final countdown to the festive period so some great tasks with our fantastic partners as well as the end of year party on the 19th - get signed up here: Ho Ho Hold My Pumpkin Spiced Kombucha

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LambethGroup run
YiannyTilly Baker HineMichael WelshFiJoao FernandesKaz PodstolskiWill R. Carpenter

Rain Rain Here to Stay....

Tuesday 29th August 2023

Written by Yianny (he / him)

Looks like summer is coming to a close after such a short time but still a bumper group of GGers turned out to head over and help Juan out prepare Jubilee Primary for the new school term!

Pre-run discussion took in preparations for marathons and half marathons of our runners so a huge wish of Good Luck to Tilly, Michael and Joao as they head ever closer to race days.

To stay on theme our category for this evening is favourite nursery rhyme (wheels on the bus is the answer btw!)

It's almost exactly 1.5kms (flat) to Jubilee Primary so we made good time and had a bit of a wait while someone came to open up for us but we were able to get cracking with our hands as the planter was on the outside of the school. We were also joined by Marie-Noelle and Paul who walked to the session.

Once the very kind lady cam to open so we could access the tools we found that they were all children's size and of course nothing sharp but still useful and of course plenty of black bags to put the waste into.

There was a lot of greenery to get through and of course plenty of litter but in the 45 minutes we had the whole thing was cleared and is now ready to be re-planted.

A big thank you to all and a reminder that next week we will be meeting directly at the task in West Norwood so please don't come to Papa's Park beforehand.

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LambethGroup run
YiannyAlice GregsonThomas HunterClare HurstEffieMichael Welsh

Raining Chickens and Ducks .......

Tuesday 11th April 2023

Written by Yianny (he / him)

..... In other words we had Foul weather last night!!

Last night was exactly the kind of evening when any sane individual would get in from work, stick the heating back on and catch up on Succession or another show of their choice but Lambeth's GGers are made of different gravy.

The AA was delighted to have Clare and Michael with him for company for the short run up from Papa's to Jubilee Primary School in the blustery wind and rain and of course the chat turned to the new Super Mario Bros movie as we ran past the Ritzy!

Juan was very apologetic that tonight's task was outside but we were up to the challenge and our numbers were bolstered by Marie-Noelle, Paul and Alice who walked to the task and so we had a mammoth concrete planting area to clear so that the school can re-plant it this Spring. (No dusting of library books inside in the warm then...)

We had about 40 mins and as you can see from the pics we managed a huge clearout of half the area so we will back in a couple of weeks (hopefully on a balmy Spring eve) to finish the job.

Thanks everyone and well done for coming out to make a difference in the awful weather - we are in our #100DaysofAction on making a green difference and this was a step in the right direction.

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