What a lot of lolly!

8 GoodGymers made their way 6.0km to help the Kingston Pantry in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Dave White
  • Rachel White
  • Tom Peacock
  • Claire Dunne
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Jana
  • Sabir Babaiy Majdar
  • Nathan Turner
Tuesday, 5th of September 2023
Led by Rachel White

What a scorcher! It was a warm run up the hill to Tolworth Recreation Centre to meet Susan at the Kingston Pantry. Nathan and Dave took the lead and Claire and Rachel were honorary back markers on the run.

We met Jana,Tom, Emily and Sabir there and got straight to work. We pulled all the items off the shelves and gave them a thorough wipe down making sure we gave it a really good deep clean. Dave tackled the bread bins whilst Tom, Nathan and Jana wiped down the fridge in the walk in pantry. Claire, Rachel and Emily cracked on with the tins.

It was hot even with the fans blowing but it gave us a good workout and felt slightly like a sauna which I'm told is very good for you. Thankfully Susan brought out some ice lollies to help us cool down - delicious, thank you!

Whilst we were there we explored the new area where Growbaby are expanding into. They are currently at the painting stage but there's lots of potential with the room. Hopefully we can help them with the set up - keep your eyes on the calendar!

After our task was complete we headed to The Antelope for some refreshments. Great food and great company.

Great work to everyone that signed up - we are signed up to head back in three weeks for the next deep clean. See you then!

Report written by Rachel White

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Create a window display for the British Heart Foundation shop

Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Rachel White
The Quaker Centre

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