
Group run

Thunderbolt and lightning (not very frightening!)

6 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help the mileXchange in Norwich.

  • Ian Gostling
  • Sophie
  • Alina
  • Eloise
  • Jennifer Bettinson
  • Stephen Knock
Tuesday, 28th of May 2024
Led by Ian Gostling

Following a typically wet Bank Holiday, the forecast for tonight's task wasn't looking good... thunder and lightning at 6pm apparently!

Despite this, 6 Goodgymers ran 5km to support Burges Road Community Gardens, and it turned out to be a warm dry evening!

Faced with a wall of broken concrete, our task was to fill in a hole to create the foundations for the arrival of a shed, and to discard the remaining rubble into the skip.

The rubble came in all shapes and sizes, but the team got stuck in and in 50 minutes we had fully cleared the site!

The paths will soon be marked out in the garden, ready for some digging on our next visit. And there will also be shelter if the heavens decide to open...

Report written by Ian Gostling

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Bobby B
Bobby B
Wednesday May 29th, 2024 16:00

That looks like knackering work !! Well done

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Ian Gostling
Led by Ian Gostling

Running, Dancing, Waving kind of guy. Lets get stuck in Team!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Jennifer Bettinson

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Volunteer @ the new Priscilla Bacon Hospice

Monday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Steven Hitcham
Colney Lane Pavilion

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