Bobby B


Good Deeds

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Bobby B
Bobby B went on a group run

Tue 25th Jun at 6:00pm

7 years in Sunny June

Norwich Report written by Ian Gostling

Tonight was a special occasion - celebrating the 7th Birthday of GoodGym Norwich!!

8 GoodGymer's ran 5km to Catton Grove Community Centre to help tackle their overgrown exterior.

This has been a regular task over the last 7 years, and we were able to finish jobs first started a few years ago such as removing a rusted fence to help protect wildlife - well done Bobby!

Stephen gave the entire hedge a haircut, while everyone else focused on edging, litter picking and cleaning the brickwork.

We assembled a large pile of green waste ready to be collected by the council. And after a hot hour of work we tucked into some lovely birthday cake kindly supplied by one our longest serving members Elizabeth!

More celebrations will follow no doubt, and lots of memories shared of good deeds over the last 7 years.

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Steven Hitcham
Bobby B
Bobby B went on a community mission

Sat 22nd Jun at 8:30am

It's a Fair start

Norwich Report written by Elizabeth H

363 people lined up for a different start today as the Fair is in the Park. With every available Marshall lining the start to funnel everyone around The Waltzer then back to the usual route. It was a bit spooky as 363 people ran past us but no accidents thank goodness. Today I was number checker, Brad was token support, Bobby at church street turn, & Rob R ran then volunteered as Scanner. Goodgym runners today Emily, Rosin, Katie L (&buggy) & speedy Rob. Well done all, it was very warm, to both run & marshalling

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Steven Hitcham
Bobby B
Bobby B signed up to a community mission.

Sat 22nd Jun at 8:30am

Catton Parkrun volunteering

Improve everyone’s wellbeing and fitness

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Bobby B
Bobby B went on a group run

Mon 10th Jun at 6:00pm

Raising the dead(wood)

Norwich Report written by Ian Gostling

Tonight 12 GoodGymer's ran or cycled 4km to Aslake Community Growers.

We returned to the venue after some time away, and it was great to get stuck into a range of tasks.

One group began weeding and clearing an area outside the greenhouse.

A second group took a large number of seeds and got to work potting them into separate pots and attaching a label of exotic names such as 'Zinna Jazz'.

And a third group took on the task of building up raised beds. Armed with a drill, some saws and a box of screws, they used some old pieces of wood to attach an additional frame to the beds that need deeper soil.

1 hour flew by and everyone was pleased with a satisfied evenings work. We will be returning next month to continue supporting this lovely venue.

And also a HUGE shout out to Stephen⁨ for completing his 3 Peaks challenge at the weekend!!

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Steven Hitcham
Bobby B
Bobby B went on a mission

Tue 4th Jun at 4:00pm

Mow Mow Mow

Norwich Report written by Bobby B

A late report , but last Tuesday I accepted a mission to help with Mrs B lawn as she wanted to sit outside and watch the birds in her garden area but didnt have help planned for a while. Arriving late morning, I managed to time it just about right with the rain and set about first with the strimmer for the three separate lawn areas taking care not to knock over the numerous ornaments (being so clumsy this was a major feat in itself!). Once this was done I went round with the mower and although fiddly in small spaces, managed to get it all done. Mrs B and daughter were very happy in the end and we had a nice cup of tea and a chat afterwards before going on my way! (Photo is of another garden I helped with which also felt like a bit of a mission last Saturday).

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Steven Hitcham

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Mon 17th Jun at 12:44pm

That's amazing. Thank you so much :)

Bobby B
Bobby B went on a group run

Mon 3rd Jun at 6:00pm


Norwich Report written by Ian Gostling

Tonight 7 Goodgymers ran 5km to help support Eaton Park.

Armed with brooms & dust pans, we swept gravel off the steps of the bandstand and rotunda.

The gravel was small and there was plenty of it, so we made this most used area of the park look much cleaner!

And to finish the session Stephen had brought left over cakes from a bake sale for his 3 Peaks Challenge, so we enjoyed a bite before heading off for dinner.

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Steven Hitcham
Bobby B
Bobby B signed up to a group run.

Mon 3rd Jun at 6:00pm

Bobby B
Bobby B signed up to a mission.

Tue 4th Jun at 4:00pm

Mow the lawn for Mrs B (flexi mission) (Wk1)

Mrs B will be able to enjoy the sun in her garden. She is struggling financially and awaiting benefit decision so can't afford to pay someone to do this for her.

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