
Group run

She’s all flat

11 GoodGymers made their way 4.0km to help the Holgate Allotment Community Orchard and Apiary in York.

  • Leanne
  • Ed Woollard
  • Stefan Durkin
  • Nicky Woodall
  • Mitch
  • Vicky Hearson
  • Pete
  • Cara Organ
  • Abigail Darton
  • York runner
  • Joanna Delgado
Monday, 13th of November 2023
Led by Nicky Woodall

💨 Well, this evening started with various weather-related dramas and changes but all came together in the end, thanks to some tremendous teamwork of the 11 GoodGymmers who braved the stormy weather to attend anyway. (It also didn’t actually rain on us and wasn’t as windy as expected, which was a win!)

📖 One of our two tasks was cancelled due to high winds then my train was thoroughly messed up so Ed and Mitch took the reins for the intro and warm up, which seemed to involve some communal story-telling.

🍎 They then also led the run down to Holgate Orchard and got cracking with some digging. The aim was to dig and level off a patch of ground for a shed and some raised beds to be built once it’s ready. The team got to work, with some folk digging, some raking and others on barrowing and quality control, identifying areas that were not quite level and therefore needed filling. Leanne noticed a particularly large dip in the corner and set to work filling that. In what felt like no time, Helen was happy that the job was done so the tools were taken back to the shed (including the rake, which wasn’t actually meant to go back, whoops!)

🗻 Mitch then led some hill reps on Windmill Rise while some of us walked back to base. We regrouped at CVS and headed to the pub for some good chats (and an exclusive peek at the 2024 pub dog calendar!)

👏 Thank you everyone, we’ve had a few additional tasks added this week (Thursday evening and Sunday morning) so do join if you can.

🎬 *Pun is related to a certain “classic” 90’s film, rather than anything else…

Report written by Nicky Woodall

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Nicky Woodall
Led by Nicky Woodall

Area Activator for GoodGym York. Loves everything running, from parkrun alphabet collecting to marathons. Will run for cake!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Walk Leaders

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Cara Organ
    • Vicky Hearson
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Vicky Hearson

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Weeding at the Fishergate Triangle

Monday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Vicky Hearson

York CVS, Denham Room

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