
Group run

Rag, tag and bobble check

10 GoodGymers made their way 2km to help the Charity retail association Mind in Leicester.

  • Jimmy Mitchinson
  • Stu Coe
  • Derby runner
  • Nick Pryke
  • Ashley Jackson
  • Gwyn Williams
  • Sarah
  • Leese
  • Dawn Lee
  • Daniel Thomas
Friday, 15th of March 2024
Led by Sarah

Ten amazing GoodGymmers made their way to one of our regular tasks at Mind Charity Warehouse. Only 3 members had not visited here before, there was enough of us to show them the ropes. We were also joined again by Gwyn and Tracey from GoodGym Derby, always a pleasure.

The clothes sorting side of the room Lisa who is a pro at tagging (she's done it that many times), plus Ashley and Dawn were busy clothes sorting, checking and tagging getting stuck in.

Meanwhile Jimmy and Stu were in their fave corner sorting cd's and dvd's, could only just see Jimmy's wave for all the donations they were sorting through.

Nick, Dan (must be his running rest day from a 50 mile week with a little race on Sunday), Tracey and Gwynn, were book sorting with one of the books called Chris? Any way I could hear them all laughing so it must have been an interesting read. All followed by a cup of tea, not the quality Dave usually makes us, but it was hot.

Weldone GoodGymmers another task where more hands made for lighter work your efforts in the busy warehouse are always appreciated by the staff.

Report written by Sarah

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Gwyn Williams
Gwyn Williams
Saturday March 16th, 2024 14:36


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Led by Sarah

Area Activator for Leicester loves running, cycling and recently swimming maybe a triathlon is on the cards.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Jimmy Mitchinson

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Summer pick-me-up!

Friday 10:30 - 12:00
Led by Sarah
The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Leisure Centre

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