
Group run

Peel or No Peel?

11 GoodGymers made their way 5.9km to help the Heatham House Youth Centre in Richmond.

  • Sam
  • Kate Holmes
  • Teresa Gebski
  • Lucy Hill
  • Adam Stephens
  • Pippa A
  • Richmond runner
  • Richmond runner
  • Liz
  • Richmond runner
  • StephDucat
Monday, 18th of March 2024
Led by Liz

We were back at AFC Heatham House on Monday night. One of our regular group tasks, we would often visit to help do all sorts for the local youth club, which supports children and young people in the Twickenham area. Danielle the youth leader often gets us doing all sorts, from attacking bindweed to clearing cupboards and tonight we waited to see what mystery mission we had in store!

The kitchen had been donated a load of food, including lots of fresh fruit and veg. Sadly, fresh fruit goes off quickly and our job for the night was to prepare the pickings so they could be frozen and then easily used for meals in the future - tasty curries, apple crumbles, banana cake…

We set up a production line, with T, Kate and Rebecca doing a peely great job at taking the skins off the orchard fruits; followed by a right pair with the pears of Sam and Liz, who were on chopping and bagging duties. Elsewhere, Adam and Pippa had a ketchup as they sliced juicy tomatoes. All of this was pear-fully overseen by Lucy, who as always had gone a bit bananas with the puns and then punny with the bananas.

Meanwhile, Steph, Chris and Suze were helping clean a serving station which had been living in a cupboard downstairs for some time. They apple-y got their hands dirty scrubbing down the metal and glasswork, til it was almost good as new.

Another grape job done by GoodGym Richmond at Heatham House, and doesn’t it peel good! Danielle thanked us for our ripe food work, and we left down the apple and pears to head off back home!

Report written by Lucy Hill

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Led by Liz

Movement, giving back, socialising, organising and spreading positivity. These things make me feel good and GoodGym has them all!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Lucy Hill
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • StephDucat
    • Lucy Hill
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Teresa Gebski
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • StephDucat

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Helping to lay a path at the Sea Scouts HQ

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Lucy Hill
Tap Tavern

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