

I’m spinning around, move out of my way!

9 GoodGymers made their way to have an amazing time in Coventry.

  • Liz Pharoah
  • Laura P
  • Laura Denham
  • Lilian
  • Allan Mansfield
  • Susanne Foellmer
  • Damian Pharoah
  • Coventry runner
  • Johnny Five
Tuesday, 26th of July 2022
Led by Lilian

On a sunny summer evening, members, and honorary members, met for a fun, yet fiercely competitive game of rounders. Rounders is a serious business, after all...

After a quick briefing and establishment of some vague rules, two teams were formed. One team, innovatively named "Reds" were pitted against the equally ingeniously names "Others". First Reds fielded with precision whilst Others showed off their exemplary batting skills. Roles were then reversed, with each team member batting twice. After a quick calculation of scores; it became clear a second round would be needed as both teams were closely matched.

Endurance would be key in the second round of rounders. Luckily, goodgym have plenty of this. Once again, the teams batted and fielded with flair and grit. Each player representing their team with superb sportsmanship and honed their skills as the game progressed.

Before very long, the scores were tallied and we retired to the shade of the trees for some well deserved refreshments and catch up with our wider goodgym community.

Final score: Others: 16.5 Reds; 15

Well played all. Same time next year?

Report written by Lilian

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Wednesday July 27th, 2022 18:32

Absolutely gutted to have missed it but so glad you had nice weather and such a great turn out. Looks like a lot of fun :-)

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Sorting at Clothing Coventry

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Laura Denham
Coventry Boys and Girls Club

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