
Group run

GoodGym shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo

39 GoodGymers made their way 3.9km to help their local community in Wandsworth.

  • Jemma
  • Jessie Woodward
  • Lucy J
  • Matthew Stuart
  • Sophie Humphrey
  • Jordan
  • Sarah McKean
  • Frances Collier-Wright
  • Luke Woodward
  • Dilly L
  • Rachel Lees
  • Chi Nwa
  • Beth Nelson
  • Alice Wilkinson
  • Morag White
  • Tim Wheatley
  • Solihull runner
  • Freyah
  • Jessica Foxley
  • Stephanie Stevenson
  • David Ewens
  • Nicola
  • Hanna
  • James Collins
  • Tom Jackson
  • Flora Clark
  • Isabelle Ellis
  • Victoria Kirby
  • Matt Porsz
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Caitlin Woodman
  • Alexander Majewski
  • Steve Burke
  • Oliver Cannon
  • Camilla Bradstock
  • Olivia Cardale
  • Daniel Smith
  • Georgina Mills
  • Adam Lees
Monday, 1st of April 2019
Led by Lucy J

Last night 39 runners ran 4km to Doddington Roof Gardens to lift and spread compost, clear weeds and turn earth for a geodome.

Wandsworth News

  • Last week Rebecca Taylor did her 50th good deed! What a amazing milestone, looking forward to seeing that black tshirt! Give her a cheer here.

  • Next week it's cleaning and moving furniture at Elays Network a charity in Battersea. Find out more and sign up here.

  • This Thursday is the GoodGym social! Featuring International Pun of the Month, Treasure Thursdays AND it's Camden's birthday! Find out more and sign up here.

That's enough of the business

Last night 37 of us gathered at Battersea Arts Centre, I was delighted to be covering for Ana for a one night special! We ran the 2km to Doddington Roof Gardens with a lovely bit of wall sitting along the way.

On arrival we were directed to a few different tasks:

  • Bringing 50 compost bags up from downstairs and putting them into 10 piles around the garden

  • Spreading some of those bags on areas that had been prepped (weeded)

  • Prepping more areas for compost-spreading (avoiding planted carrots, broad beans and other food!)

  • Turning over and weeding an area ready for a large geodome that's going to be put up as a community activity

  • Shovelling and transporting compost from two huge bags onto an area being weeded and spreading it

As we arrived early, we left a little earlier than usual, having completely transformed the goedome area (see photos) and put down tarps so things don't regrow on the area as well as having shifted all the compost, spread 5 bags in the maze, weeded and composted one area and made a great start on another.

'Like a swarm of very helpful locusts' - A GoodGymer

After our team photo we thanked our hosts for having us and headed over to Battersea Park for some fitness fun - 'fun' being the operative word. We started with a game of shark attack - I put down cones on the ground as islands and we start with one 'shark' (holding their hand on their head as a fin), everyone runs around and when I shout 'shark attack!' you have to get to an island before the shark gets you, otherwise you become a shark! It was an intense game with some very sharky tactics taking place - island circling and pack hunting included! We whittled down to a handful of survivors which a sea of 30 sharks couldn't quite catch. Chapeau to you survivors! Next we went onto heads, shoulders, knees and cone. The premise - pairs squat within hands reach of a cone and whilst the caller shouts 'heads, shoulders, knees etc' they have to touch those areas until the caller shouts 'cone!' and then the pair grab for the cone. After a few warm up rounds we went into knock out rounds and those who got knocked out were given exercises to do by Chi.

A huge hello and welcome to Daniel, Georgina and Adam who joined us for the first time last night!

A tense final for heads, shoulders, knees and cone was held and then we were off back to Battersea Arts Centre. The group put on a great last push at the hill up to Lavender Hill and we finished with some stretching and ready for dinner!

Great work team! Thanks for having me :)

Lucy J

Report written by Lucy J

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Lucy J
Led by Lucy J

Ex-trainer for Southwark, defector to Sheffield. Marathon runner, ultra-experimenter, triathlete. www.runmindful.co.uk

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Painting at a local community centre

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Battersea Arts Centre

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