
Group run

🎆🎇Fireworks Footwork🎆🎇

7 GoodGymers made their way to help the Luton Council, Luton Council, and Luton Council in Luton.

  • David Mansfield
  • Gill
  • Luton runner
  • Martin R
  • Yasin Lutale
  • Musa Kamara
  • Assine Aitbella
Wednesday, 25th of October 2023
Led by David Mansfield

With nights getting longer and darker and the leaves falling from the trees it's feeling very autumnal. Our task suited the season as we were asked to deliver letters informing residents of the Firework Spectacular on Pope's Meadow and letting them know about the special arrangements for the evening.

With seven pairs of feet and a few hundred letters in a backpack we hit the streets, going door to door posting the letters. We had a large area to cover but we managed to get it done surprisingly quickly! A few houses had early halloween decorations up too, giant spider was the best one! 🕷️

The task referrer also supplied us with a tasty box of chocolates for snacking along the way and keeping our energy up 😋

Report written by David Mansfield

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David Mansfield
Led by David Mansfield

Luton Area Activator

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Gill
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Gill

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