
Group run

Edward Pickerhands

4 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km to help the Eco-Colchester, Eco-Colchester, Colchester City Council, and Keep Britain Tidy in Colchester.

  • Tav
  • Denise
  • Sophie Brown
  • Daisy
Monday, 22nd of April 2024
Led by Tav

It was an evening of first good deeds, hill runs and battling litter warriors on the footpaths of Balkerne Hill and St Mary's Fields. Not to mention the happy return of Denise and credit for the report title!!

So a big welcome to Daisy for her first good deed with Goodgym, making Colchester a bit tidier and doing some powerful fitness! (Enjoy Scotland)

The evening started at The Mercury Theatre where we set to grab a few discarded cigarette butt's next to the Hole in the Wall pub and head down the hill. The mowers had been out which means that litter gets shredded and harder to pick, but the pathway from Sheepen Road to St Mary's field had (unfortunately) the usual amount of litter, much of which was frustratingly out of reach. Find of the evening was a pannier, chucked on top of the brambles which between us we managed to grab and bin!

To finish up, we got warm with some dynamic stretches and a did some progressive hill running/sprinting!

Good job all and enjoy your week!

Report written by Tav

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Colchester runner
Colchester runner
Saturday June 8th, 2024 07:38

Love the report title 🤣

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Led by Tav

Kindness is a verb - do more kind.

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Cleaning Colchester Foodbank, Stanway

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Tav

20 Angora Business Park

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