
Group run

A Shell Of A Good Job!

9 GoodGymers made their way 4.1km to help the Portsmouth Tortoise Rescue in Portsmouth.

  • Julie Blake
  • Lucy Booth
  • Ellie
  • Katie Carew-Robinson
  • Samantha Belfrage
  • Louisa
  • Jen Stoneham
  • Katie London
  • Dave M
Wednesday, 20th of March 2024
Led by Jen Stoneham

Our second trip to the Tortoise Rescue allowed us to see how last week's paint job turned out after doing most of the session in the dark! Second coats were added this evening, with some detailed inspections and touch-ups from this evening's Captain Detail - Louisa.

Samantha, Ellie and Lucy were our poster girls for this evening, painting the enclosures in the front garden area for all the local residents to see.

Another evening of super efficient GoodGyming meant we even had time to paint the turtle enclosure and fill the Leopard Tortoise enclosure with soil ready for them to come out of hibernation!

Report written by Jen Stoneham

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Jen Stoneham
Led by Jen Stoneham

Area Activator for GoodGym Portsmouth. I swear like a sailor, burp like a foghorn. Human A - Z of Portsmouth. Ultimately charming.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Dave M
    • Katie London
    • Julie Blake

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Wednesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Jen Stoneham
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