A nippy night out at Growbaby

10 GoodGymers made their way 4.6km to help the Growbaby in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Dave White
  • Rachel White
  • Tom Peacock
  • Adam Stephens
  • Claire Dunne
  • Jana
  • Sabir Babaiy Majdar
  • Jorge
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Emma Crowe
Tuesday, 7th of March 2023
Led by Rachel White

Last night our group run took us to Growbaby. We met at the Quaker Centre for a catch up and then headed for Fairfield Park for a warm up. We certainly saw the sights on our way round as we came across a heron which was an unexpected treat.

At Growbaby we had a list of jobs that needed to be done and being a small environment we split into three groups so there was a working party in each room. Emma, Sabir and Jorge stayed upstairs to sort out the bookcase and the kitchen. Emma squealed with delight when she saw the drawers and the cupboard under the sink and went straight to work removing duplicate products and throwing. Sabir and Jorge sat down with a book or two to discuss the literary merits of writing for children.

Claire, Jana and Jade went into the first room in the basement and mended the hanging rail. The bottom rail had slipped on one side meaning that half the clothes were draped on the floor. The coats were organised and hung in size order with any broken or dirty items removed - and the same was done with the dresses.

Dave, Tom and Adam went into the second basement room and moved the shelves holding the equipment. Once the big move around had been completed they got stuck into the toy boxes and played, I mean sorted out, the action men. What nostalgic fun!

On the run to the Albion for our monthly social we saw a heron! Was it the same one? Who knows but it was another unexpected treat.

Well done to everyone that came to help at Growbaby! It's made a massive difference to the running of the hub and will help local families in need.

Report written by Rachel White

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Rachel White
Led by Rachel White

I am the area activator for Kingston Upon Thames. Keen to keep moving and improving.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Dave White

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Create a window display for the British Heart Foundation shop

Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Rachel White
The Quaker Centre

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