
Group run

Mud pie preparation extravaganza - long-term Bristol GG recruitment drive

11 GoodGymers made their way 2.4km to help the Windmill Hill City Farm in Bristol.

  • Kim Dowsett
  • Caroline
  • Richard Breakspear
  • Melanie Young
  • Alexis Wiseman
  • VaguelyNorthernDarren
  • Julie M
  • Jason Thorne
  • Marianne Bradshaw
  • Bristol runner
  • Ryan Wilmott
Tuesday, 18th of June 2024
Led by Melanie Young

A gorgeous evening for a run/walk over to Windmill Hill City Farm, one of our two City Farm good deeds of the week (St Werburgh's City Farm Wednesday evening).

Having triple checked which beds were for digging and which were absolutely not to be dug under any circumstances, we were on to our task to make the toddler "mud digging" zones easier to dig as the mud had become very compacted. It's basically going to be a training ground for future GoodGymmers and part of our 15-year plan.

Big forks (and one border fork or "ladies fork" in old speak) and spades were put to use in the sunshine and masses of bindweed cleared from the space next door revealing a long-lost trowel - it might not be golden but was treasure for us. It was probably our second biggest digging workout of the year so far, since Jordan attacked the pond-to-be with a pick axe on the pouring rain.

The deepest hole was soon being edged and backfilled with large lumps of soil (and soul) which were then broken up to resemble a "fine till" per Gardeners' World parlance and even raked over.

Zone 2 had been a bit more weedy but was also levelling up (no politics here) well, albeit not quite so fine, but a whole lot better than when we arrived.

With barrowloads of bindweed cleared from the neighbouring patch, the sun was still shining as we tidied up, returned all the tools to the shed and said goodbye to the rabbits on our way out - perfect.

Tea, cider and hot chocolate was the order of the day back at Club Haus at Workout. Not all in the same cup.

Report written by Melanie Young

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Melanie Young
Led by Melanie Young

Area Activator for Bristol Loves being outdoors and being active, helping make the world a happier place to be one day at a time. Eats cake.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Julie M

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Group Run - 30 Jul

Tuesday 18:20 - 20:05
Led by Melanie Young

GG Corner of Queen Square

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