Jason Thorne


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Jason Thorne
Jason Thorne went on a group run

Tue 23rd Jul at 6:20pm

Little Things make Big Things Happen

Bristol Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)

Wow! 19 lovely GoodGymmers take on the checking of New Things donated to the new Library of Things in Bedminster - a brilliant project that lends Things to people for projects so they don't need to buy and store them!

What looked like a small pile of New Things donated needed checking and cataloguing, plus some painting of the back-of-the-shop kitchen and loo.

The pile was deceptive. Sooo much to sort through, big and small, clean and in need of a clean, working or needing repair, the mission to start sorting began.

Joined by Ellenand Rohan for the very first time, it was a bumper group of GoodGymmers old and new with a fantastic reappearance of Shreena who went to Australia for a year nearly two years ago and is back for a visit, Clowho's now normally only in Bristol on Wednesdays, Emma who's normally working but was on leave and the Godfather Dave who pops in every now and again. There was a fair amount of screeching and hugging pre-run.

Not to mention it being Valè's 50th good deed, but sue hasn't brought cake yet so we wont mention it.

For the first time, GoodGymmers had their hands on power tools (not just lawn mowers and strimmers) to check they worked and everyone still had all their fingers and linbs at the end if the task.

Kids' things, DIY things, cake tins (just saying, Valè), camping things plus the only tape measure for cataloguing item size was a donated imperial one so unexpected Maths skills on show.

Whilst items that had been checked, measured and photographed were being booked in to the catalogue, and paint rollers were being cleared up, the mammoth task was started - a ten-people tent donated, in three bags plus a carpet, bigger than the shop premises, but thankfully looking like it had only ever been a demo tent indoors so very clean, all working and the fitness/Tetris challenge of getting it all back into the bags. Obviously GG Bristol made short, if a tad stressy, work of this so another HUGE item ready for lending. Anyone for camping?

Items stored, finish photos snapped, treats eaten, the runners and walkers headed back to Queen Square and Workout for aome riverside drinks at ClubHaus plus the Ozzie snacks Shree had brought with her.

Perfect GoodGymming, team!

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Melanie Young

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Melanie Young
Melanie Young (she/her)

Wed 24th Jul at 11:49am

Fab to meet you! This is the link to our WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/C43KFRG46y1EgQp0e64Cck

Jason Thorne
Jason Thorne went on a community mission

Fri 19th Jul at 8:00am

Barrow loads of bindweed

Bristol Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)

A very warm start to our lovely Friday early session at the city farm with much mulch moving and bindweed unwinding - see you all next time!

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Melanie Young
Jason Thorne
Jason Thorne signed up to a community mission.

Fri 19th Jul at 8:00am

Friday Farm Frolics - 19 July

Our local community farm is tidier for the enjoyment of all

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Jason Thorne
Jason Thorne went on a group run

Tue 16th Jul at 6:20pm

Weed meet again

Bristol Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)

The runners were outnumbered by the walkers two to one for the adventure to St Werburgh's Community Centre with Vaguely Northern Darren and Ed already hard at it when the walkers reached the "King/Queen of the Castle" bridge from Riverside Park.

The walkway around the building was one of the many areas that's seen an explosion of weeds with the warm(-ish) and decidedly wet weather. We were soon widening the walkways again and having many-a deep philosophical discussion including how to spell "doolalley", whether it stems from doodle-alley and why small creatures seem to take an aggressive bee line for Richard G. We slso all learned more about msle and female courgette flowers as well as poppies and their similarity to some sort of banana - the name escapes me.

A quick tidy up and end-of-task photo followed, including Frances who wasn"t in the pre-task "we're actually all in red t-shirts" photo, suggested by Jason. For the record, Frances was also early to the meet up, just not quite as early, and we set off at 6.25 as it's "a bit of a way" even without the lively tour checking out future potential GoodGym tasks, which was really enjoyed by everyone.

Top work and great chatting!

*in depth research post-run shows its actually doolally with dubious empire roots%2C%20ultimately%20from)

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Melanie Young
Jason Thorne
Jason Thorne signed up to a group run.

Tue 16th Jul at 6:20pm

Group Run - 16 Jul - St Werb’s-bound

Spreading GoodGym loveliness to take back control from the weeds

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Jason Thorne
Jason Thorne signed up to a group run.

Tue 23rd Jul at 6:20pm

Group Run - 23 Jul - *new venue alert*

Spreading GoodGym loveliness at Bedminster’s Library of Things

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Jason Thorne
Jason Thorne completed their first run in a new area. 🤩

Monday 8th July



Jason Thorne completed their first run in a new area.

Curious? Jason has just run their first session in another area. For that explorative spirit Jason is awarded the scout badge. A Scout is trustworthy

Jason Thorne
Jason Thorne went on a group run

Sat 6th Jul at 1:00pm

I'll alpaca that away for you

Bath Report written by Helen Conner (she/her)

4 Goodgymers made their way to Bath City farm armed with gardening gloves. Our task should we agree to accept it was to join the alpacas in their enclosure to shovel up their droplets and chop down the nettles and plants.

Task accepted, the team mounted the enclosure (they couldn't find the key!) and began the great British clear up. Watched by passerbys and children visitors they generated 2 wheelbarrows full of weeds and 1 wheelbarrow full of droppings.

Great job team! Although the alpacas were a little disappointed that you didn't feed them :)

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Ivo (he/him)

Mon 8th Jul at 5:33pm

Looks amazing 🤩

Jason Thorne
Jason Thorne signed up to a group run.

Sat 6th Jul at 1:00pm

Help at Bath City farm

Help the community with the city farm

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