Love the outdoors, running, hiking in hilly terrain etc. Bring on the mud!
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Block or report Richard Breakspear
📍Workout Harbourside BS1 4SB
Spreading GoodGym loveliness in the city
Tue 4th Feb at 6:20pm
Bristol Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)
It was a lovely, dry evening to celebrate Ed's 50th good deed and imminent new t-shirt - congratulations!
Back at Dame Emily Park for emergency bulb planting, the tyres moved previously had been stacked as planters and filled most of the way with compost.
Our task was to get the bags of sprouting bulbs into the tyre-planters, right way up, then top-up with woodchip and hide some small bulbs in the top. Much carrying of buckets of woodchip and avoidance of buckets of manure (destined for the raised planters) getting mixed up - top science knowledge from Richard B.
Planters filled, we still had more bulbs so started planting around the wicker dome we lovingly tie new growth into - this time the bulbs were going into grass so some L-shaped lawn-lifting was deployed to hide a bulb each time. Or throw them at Richard G.
We saturated the grass with our bulbs and time was nearly up so it was time for Polish wafers from Ursula, end of task photos (we did enjoy it, honestly!) and off back to Queen Square for GoodGym Eats at Suyuan, stopping off at the off-licence for those who wanted to BYO alcohol.
Much food and after some flowering bulb knowledge shared with Harsheh, we were on our ways home, with one GoodGymmer declaring she was rushing to get home as she was on an early shift tomorrow, until Frances saw there was no queue at the Bristol Light Festival swings and she was off in a flash.
Special thanks to Vaguely Northern Darren for run leading (no-one mention bulbs), Caroline for back-marking and Jason for beating me to Workout to meet other GoodGymmers as they arrived.