Windmill Hill City Farm

A place where people grow
Windmill Hill City Farm is a charity that provides recreation, education and therapy using food, farming and the environment as a theme.

168 GoodGymers have supported Windmill Hill City Farm with 260 tasks.

Top supporters
Caroline (she/her)
Melanie Young
Melanie Young (she/her)
Bristol runner

Upcoming sessions
Friday Farm Frolics - 2 Aug

Friday 2nd August 2024 8:00am - 8:45am

Friday Farm Frolics 2nd August

Friday 2nd August 2024 8:00am - 8:35am

Previous sessions
BristolCommunity mission
David HeadEmma RJankaCarolineMarianne BradshawMelanie Young

Can never compost 200 good deeds

Friday 26th July

Written by David Head

A big congratulations to Emma for 200 amazing good deeds and a big happy birthday from all GG to you 💚. A lovely morning greeted the GG team and we had a specific task to empty a compost heap into sacks ready for the farm to use on their floral and vegetable delights. We do love this place. Great team work pursued with a stream of wheel barrows being filled by the team on the compost heap, then Mel exacting high QC standards to remove large sticks and other objects from the compost and finally transferring it into large sacks ready for moving to its new home. Emma made amazing Muffins to celebrate. Thank you. Then a final picture near the pig pen. Can you see a 200 being formed ? Amazing work 👏

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BristolCommunity mission
Melanie YoungDavid HeadJason ThorneCarolineEmma RJankaTom Christmas

Barrow loads of bindweed

Friday 19th July

Written by Melanie Young (she/her)

A very warm start to our lovely Friday early session at the city farm with much mulch moving and bindweed unwinding - see you all next time!

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BristolCommunity mission
Jade CahillEmma RToby GallagherMelanie YoungJanka

Bindweed unbound

Friday 12th July

Written by Melanie Young (she/her)

A great start to Friday with de-bindweeding one of the beds in the front space of the farm an an opportunity to clear some of the autumn (!) debris from the road outside - plus loads of chat and catching up - perfect!

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BristolCommunity mission
Jade CahillCarolineDavid HeadEmma RJanka

Rainy day at Windmill hill

Friday 5th July

Written by Jade Cahill

Goodgymers met at Windmill Hill on a rainy Friday morning. Todays task consisted of pulling bind weeds out of the bushes around the farm. Hope everyone managed to get warm and dry afterwards!

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BristolCommunity mission
David HeadJade CahillTom ChristmasHelen MooreEmma RJanka

Farm Fridays!

Friday 21st June

Written by Jade Cahill

Goodgymers met on a lovely sunny Friday morning to do some good!

Todays tasks consisted of sweeping up hay on the floor and weeding the walls!

Nice to see everyone again :)

Have a good weekend!

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BristolGroup run
Kim DowsettRyan WilmottRichard Breakspear
Alexis WisemanMarianne Bradshaw

Mud pie preparation extravaganza - long-term Bristol GG recruitment drive

Tuesday 18th June

Written by Melanie Young (she/her)

A gorgeous evening for a run/walk over to Windmill Hill City Farm, one of our two City Farm good deeds of the week (St Werburgh's City Farm Wednesday evening).

Having triple checked which beds were for digging and which were absolutely not to be dug under any circumstances, we were on to our task to make the toddler "mud digging" zones easier to dig as the mud had become very compacted. It's basically going to be a training ground for future GoodGymmers and part of our 15-year plan.

Big forks (and one border fork or "ladies fork" in old speak) and spades were put to use in the sunshine and masses of bindweed cleared from the space next door revealing a long-lost trowel - it might not be golden but was treasure for us. It was probably our second biggest digging workout of the year so far, since Jordan attacked the pond-to-be with a pick axe on the pouring rain.

The deepest hole was soon being edged and backfilled with large lumps of soil (and soul) which were then broken up to resemble a "fine till" per Gardeners' World parlance and even raked over.

Zone 2 had been a bit more weedy but was also levelling up (no politics here) well, albeit not quite so fine, but a whole lot better than when we arrived.

With barrowloads of bindweed cleared from the neighbouring patch, the sun was still shining as we tidied up, returned all the tools to the shed and said goodbye to the rabbits on our way out - perfect.

Tea, cider and hot chocolate was the order of the day back at Club Haus at Workout. Not all in the same cup.

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