Marianne Bradshaw


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Marianne Bradshaw
Marianne Bradshaw went on a community mission

Fri 26th Jul at 8:00am

Can never compost 200 good deeds

Bristol Report written by David Head

A big congratulations to Emma for 200 amazing good deeds and a big happy birthday from all GG to you 💚. A lovely morning greeted the GG team and we had a specific task to empty a compost heap into sacks ready for the farm to use on their floral and vegetable delights. We do love this place. Great team work pursued with a stream of wheel barrows being filled by the team on the compost heap, then Mel exacting high QC standards to remove large sticks and other objects from the compost and finally transferring it into large sacks ready for moving to its new home. Emma made amazing Muffins to celebrate. Thank you. Then a final picture near the pig pen. Can you see a 200 being formed ? Amazing work 👏

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Bristol runner

Fri 26th Jul at 9:14pm

huge congrats on 200 Good Deeds Em and Happy Birthday! x

Marianne Bradshaw
Marianne Bradshaw signed up to a community mission.

Fri 26th Jul at 8:00am

Friday Farm Frolics 26th July

Our local community farm is tidier for the enjoyment of all

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Marianne Bradshaw
Marianne Bradshaw went on a community mission

Wed 17th Jul at 6:00pm

Lady courgettes have bustles

Bristol Report written by Bristol runner

Things I learnt today with some wonderful people doing some guerilla gardening…

  • Bees are better fat
  • Lady courgettes have junk
  • Cute means different things to different people
  • A chard is not a beetroot
  • Walnuts are nice pickled
  • Custard creams aren’t as good as bourbons
  • Exercise can give you dolphins if you are lucky
  • Bindweed tug o’ wars are fleeting but beautiful

We did lots of weeding…. wishing the limequat good health.

Until next time...

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Melanie Young
Marianne Bradshaw
Marianne Bradshaw signed up to a community mission.

Wed 17th Jul at 6:00pm

Marianne Bradshaw
Marianne Bradshaw went on a training session

Tue 2nd Jul at 9:55am

Dog tired ! Yoga for it at goodgym

Barnet Report written by Paul Salman

A few people came online to do yoga with GoodGym. Thanks for coming please leave any feedback and comments.

everyone was dog tired at the end!

Yoga talk If your wrists are hurting, Do think about adapting the position if possible going onto your elbows. (You could also think about going onto your fists as a change) Another technique that might help is to think about pushing your fingers down and gripping the mat more.( something I haven’t mentioned for awhile.) You could also think about using blocks to reduce pressure.

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Melanie Young

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Rachel Melinek

Wed 3rd Jul at 7:59am

I am setting up a business from home, a yoga session is a nice way to give energy to tackle the day. Yoga is also great for my flexiblity. All these benefits and no leaving the house!


Wed 3rd Jul at 11:53am

I enjoyed the session today as I implemented what I learnt in the last session - dolphin pose for the plank. A plank is just not attainable for me at the moment but resting on my elbows worked and I can build up endurance and strength in this position. Thanks Paul!

Marianne Bradshaw
Marianne Bradshaw signed up to a training session.

Tue 2nd Jul at 9:55am

GG Online yoga with Paul Tuesday 9.55am

strengthen, stretch and relax the body

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Marianne Bradshaw
Marianne Bradshaw went on a group run

Tue 25th Jun at 6:20pm

Dame Emi-lolly Park heatwave

Bristol Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)

Hot. Very Hot. The walkers outnumbered the runners but Vaguely Northern Darren was everyone's best friend when he arrived with boxes of mini Calippo to share out. Ursula was ready for us, the runners arriving first by more time than usual as the walkers were held up with a bridge swing at Princes Street Bridge, holding us up from making a wildlife bridge to encourage creatures transitting the city.

We split into Team Dead Hedge and Team Watering with TDH annihilating a live hedge which will form the basis of a dead hedge at low level and allowed to be a live hedge above. This was made possible by much "skilled pruning" and an ambitious movement of a dumpy sack full of sticks from one side of the 5-foot wire fence to the other by managing to lift and balance it on a wheelbarrow - welcome to GoodGym, Bruce!

The detail watering of shrubs along a new hedge line (a live hedge line, this one, not a dead hedge line) was completed speedily so it was on with tying in willow to the willow dome (decidedly unshady in its youth but hopefully a bit more shady next year!) and the invention of GG Bristol's Willow Club, complete with matching tying-in bracelets - rocking the look, Danica, and Darren.

TDH were also going great guns with the dumpy sack of twigs added to the greenery chopped from the live hedging and the pallets brutally kicked apart by Phill and skillfully shoved down by Caroline, Richard, Paul, David, Jason, Janka, Marianne and Frances. The team soon moved on to creating a sacrificial mud pie zone (or maybe a rockery) by layering cardboard then soil brought down from the top of the park, surrounded by a stone circle in a nod to the Summer Solstice.

Great work, team, and thanks for the drinks and biscuits!

Back in time for the match, which wasn't worth it!

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Melanie Young

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Bristol runner

Wed 26th Jun at 1:45pm

Great report 🙂

Marianne Bradshaw
Marianne Bradshaw signed up to a group run.

Tue 25th Jun at 6:20pm

Group Run - 25 Jun - wildlife habitat making

Dame Emily Park will be even more friendly for wildlife

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Marianne Bradshaw
Marianne Bradshaw went on a group run

Tue 18th Jun at 6:20pm

Mud pie preparation extravaganza - long-term Bristol GG recruitment drive

Bristol Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)

A gorgeous evening for a run/walk over to Windmill Hill City Farm, one of our two City Farm good deeds of the week (St Werburgh's City Farm Wednesday evening).

Having triple checked which beds were for digging and which were absolutely not to be dug under any circumstances, we were on to our task to make the toddler "mud digging" zones easier to dig as the mud had become very compacted. It's basically going to be a training ground for future GoodGymmers and part of our 15-year plan.

Big forks (and one border fork or "ladies fork" in old speak) and spades were put to use in the sunshine and masses of bindweed cleared from the space next door revealing a long-lost trowel - it might not be golden but was treasure for us. It was probably our second biggest digging workout of the year so far, since Jordan attacked the pond-to-be with a pick axe on the pouring rain.

The deepest hole was soon being edged and backfilled with large lumps of soil (and soul) which were then broken up to resemble a "fine till" per Gardeners' World parlance and even raked over.

Zone 2 had been a bit more weedy but was also levelling up (no politics here) well, albeit not quite so fine, but a whole lot better than when we arrived.

With barrowloads of bindweed cleared from the neighbouring patch, the sun was still shining as we tidied up, returned all the tools to the shed and said goodbye to the rabbits on our way out - perfect.

Tea, cider and hot chocolate was the order of the day back at Club Haus at Workout. Not all in the same cup.

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Melanie Young
