Early Sunday morning saunter up Win Hill

Covering part of Dig Deep Trail Ultra 30 course, a chance to learn the route or just enjoy getting out in countryside.

Shatton Lane
Hope Valley
S33 0BG
Date and time
07:30 - 11:30
Sunday, 25th of August 2019

Dig Deep Trail Ultra 30 Recce 3/3 Deja Vue (with apologies and thanks to Mike Jones). For those runners planning on doing the Dig Deep Trail Ultra 30 Peak District race, this third recce will explore the furthest part from Sheffield: the section including Win Hill, Hope, Pindale, Bradwell Edge and Shatton. Win Hill is the steepest climb on the race, but is also arguably its most spectacular section, with terrific views over Ladybower and Derwent reservoirs and much of the Dark Peak.

We will start and finish at Shatton. Lifts will be available; we will discuss this in advance of the session on the group WhatsApp chat.

This run will be at a pace suitable for anyone who has entered or is considering entering this race. You should be capable of covering 17km over hilly terrain, some of which will be at a jogging pace, and some of which will be walking.

Due to the length of the session, the nature of the terrain and the weather conditions we may encounter, please bring the following kit: waterproof jacket, hat or buff, gloves and sufficient food and water for the whole route. Trail or fell shoes will make this route much easier than road shoes, so wear them if you can.

If you're not used to running with this much kit, this will be a good opportunity to practice, as there will be mandatory kit required for the race. Bring a small rucksack or running vest which will be comfortable to use with this equipment in. A map and compass is not required, but encouraged for anyone interested in improving their navigation. The race route is generally not marked so this is a useful skill to learn!

A link to the route on Strava is here

Who's going

  • Mike Jones
  • Celine
  • Chris
  • Sheffield runner
  • Ash
  • Sheffield runner
  • Becky Greenwood


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Shatton Lane
Hope Valley
S33 0BG
Date and time
07:30 - 11:30
Sunday, 25th of August 2019

17km total distance

Shatton Lane
Hope Valley
S33 0BG

Chris Dyer
Led by Chris Dyer

GoodGym Sheffield runner

Brambles / low hanging branches or undergrowth
Injury or harm could be caused to your eyes or face from sharp low hanging branches, undergrowth or brambles.
Animal diseases/ faeces/ poison
It is possible that there is animal matter that may cause you illness or infection.

What to look out for

Age Restriction

GoodGym welcomes anyone aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 then you will be unable to participate in any GoodGym activity

Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety when running and at a task.

This event is organised by your Taskforce, a group of experienced GoodGym members in your area, they are not responsible for your safety. You should feel confident to participate in the event as it is described and you do so at your own risk.

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