A runderful morning at Chelmsford Parkrun

9 Goodgymers helped their local community in Chelmsford

Saturday 4th February 2023

Report written by Fay Downing

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9 GoodGymers turned out bright and early to volunteer at Chelmsford Parkrun this morning. Rich and Russell were timekeeping. Laurie, David and Jenny were barcode scanning and the rest of us did some sterling clapping and cheering while marshalling. The weather was good and 677 people ran, jogged and walked the course, so we did our bit to help Chelmsford get fit while we did good!

After we'd given back our hi-viz jackets and lanyards we moved on for a spot of socialising over a fry-up. Rachel and Abi joined us for some breakfast and we had a good catch up before heading off to enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Our next group run is on Wednesday and is a litter pick for Essex Waterways, you can sign up here.

Session Leader
Run leader
Area activator
This task supported

Free Weekly timed 5k event

See more
Jenny King
Russell Dolton
David Chatterjee
Rich Walker
Laurie Glendinning
Fay Downing
Sallyann Jeffrey
Join us on our next session


A task at Moulsham Church
🗓Wednesday 6:30pm

Helping support a local church.

Laurie GlendinningFay DowningSallyann JeffreyErin KeatingAndy Holmes
5 GoodGymers are going

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