Will he stick? Stick he will(y)!

11 Goodgymers helped their local community in Hounslow
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Wednesday 22nd May

Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

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It was damp in conditions, but not in spirits last night as we made our way back to Chiswick House for our regular visit!

Perhaps part of the reason that we were in a collectively happy mood was that Steph and Kash led the warm up, but I suspect it was mostly because it was our brilliant Florian's birthday (and there were rumours of cake - and no one does beautiful cake quite like Florian!). A huge happy birthday to you, thank you for sharing it with us!

We arrived to meet Philippa and Gabby who quickly led us to our task location - a spot with which we were very familiar and tantalisingly close to the café.

We split up into three groups; one to tackle the bindweed which was strangling the alliums, one to sort out the boundary fence, and one to eradicate the sticky weed (otherwise known as the much more fun sticky willy).

We soon got to work, freeing the beautiful area from its unwanted guests. There was a momentary pause in play as the heavens opened but it didn't stop us for long.

After 40 minutes of wet work, we bundled up the weeds and it was great to see just how much we had managed to get out. There was time for a quick photo before a run back to base, stretches, and a dive for cover.

There are quite a few missions coming up, including this great one on Chiswick eyot weaving and building crab defences. Or if you're looking for more of a party vibe, then we're going to be helping out at WLQP's 10km walk to raise money for motor neurone disease.

Don't forget that next week we're going to be meeting directly at the task at a Brentford foodbank as a special one off run, but will be coming back to the Town Hall together as normal afterwards. I hope to see you there! Happy GGing everybody.

Session Leader
Remy Maisel
Lucy Hill
Jon Scott-Francis
Anastasia Hancock
Join us on our next session


Lunchtime shift at Hounslow Community Foodbox!
🗓Tomorrow 1:00pm

Support this amazing soup kitchen in Brentford

One GoodGymer is going

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