The unruly grass kept on growing- what a grass-cal!

13 Goodgymers helped their local community in Slough
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Monday 7th June 2021

Report written by Slough runner

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13' runners joined us at Upton Court Park for a relaxing fitness session.

Jean and Nisha a massive Happy Birthday to you both.

Quick warm up to 2M and back followed by star jumps, spotty dogs, jump ups, arm circles, high knees and so on, followed by 2 groups. Group 1 started with squats whilst group 1 doing side steps along the over grown grass, alternating between the group. Swiftly moving onto our speedy hills, you are were all fantastic 5x hill sprints. Sut even managed 1x hill sprint. Lastly onto the rugby club 30 seconds on back and forth to the white lines.

Nice gentle job back to 2K marker with a nice cool down and sing a long.

We have our last fitness session next Monday with Ricky leading.

Session Leader
Sunita Dawett
Naomi Mallett
Jean Watts
Kam Atwal
Sandy Dhaliwal
Ricky Kloay
Nisha Bilkhu
Harsha Burton
Join us on our next session


Ragstone Road Allotment help needed to level our land to extend our community project
🗓Today 6:30pm

We have elderly and disabled members who cannot manage to do this work. Once land is levelled more local community people can join us.

Manjit BirkZoe KeatingJason PantojaFirmo EliecerPriya FarmahThomas Honniball
6 GoodGymers are going

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