Thank you very much, Joao - happy 100th good deed! 🥳

7 Goodgymers helped their local community in Southwark
Nirmay Sriharsha Singaram
Joao Fernandes
Nathan Wood
Daryl Shaw
Tracey Deal
Sam Lefevre
John Shirley
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Saturday 23rd September 2023

Sam Lefevre
Sam Lefevre




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Report written by Sam Lefevre (he/him)

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Firstly, a warm welcome to Nirmay who came for his second good deed after helping out at Borough Food Cooperative (BFC) and good luck starting your new role on Monday!

Daryl, Joao, John, Nathan, Sam and Tracey all met up Nirmay and Simon from Thorlands at the Walled Garden to collect the tools and talk about what needed to be done today.

Joao and Nathan started the session by doing rounds back to the mulch depo centre to collect the woodchip for the bed.

Tracey, John, Daryl and Nirmay concentrated on clearing the growth around the terrace. Once this finish the team progressed towards the platform to clear the green around this area. Sam did some litter picking whilst preparing a few nutrient packed green leaves for the compost pile in the Walled Garden, which Nathan brought over at the end of the session.

Halfway through the session, Daryl switched with Joao to get the mulch whilst Joao was a machine as he helped clear the platform area. All this on his 100th good deed, which he kept quiet. Well done, Joao! It's a massive milestone 🎉🥳

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Sorting & Stocking @ Borough Food Cooperative
🗓Tomorrow 2:00pm

Tackles food insecurity and reuses surplus food to prevent food being thrown away!

Ben TysonBen LeonardiFrankee OrsiDaniel Pereira
4 GoodGymers are going - no space left 😢