Tracey Deal


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Tracey Deal
Tracey Deal went on a group run

Mon 27th May at 12:00pm

Shoulda, wood-a, coulda!

Wandsworth Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)

Yesterday's massive bank holiday task definitely kept us out of mischief! With blue skies and a whole day of sunny holiday (or so we thought) stretching before us, we met at the Doddington estate to tackle a huge job - shifting planks of wood that had been donated to a local community centre.

It was immediately clear to see that we weren't going to get the whole lot done as there were two enormous containers of wood, but, undeterred, we cracked on to see how much we could transport.

As we worked the puns were flying. We were trying to think of as many as we could that woodwork. It was far from a plankless task. Yes, I know these are a bit acorny. Maybe we need to branch out? Nah, we totally nailed it!

Before long we had made quite a dent in the pile, so we stacked them up in the assigned place, and just had time to do a plank in front of the planks!

Admittedly we did get a bit sidetracked on the way back to base. With the sun out the allure of ice cream was too strong to resist, so we made a little detour. Sadly, we must have tempted fate, as no longer had our ice creams been devoured, but the heavens opened and the rain started pouring. It was a good job we did the task when we did!

Next week we're back to normal timings. We're off for our regular session at Doddington followed by the monthly pub quiz social. Hope to see you there!

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Anastasia HancockDiane
Tracey Deal
Tracey Deal went on a community mission

Sat 25th May at 9:30am

Matthew StuartDianeHarvey GallagherSam Lefevre
Tracey Deal
Tracey Deal signed up to a community mission.

Sat 25th May at 9:30am

Setting up market stall for SE5 Forum Camberwell

Acts as a network hub for the local community and highlights the work of the forum bringing attention to local issues.

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Matthew Stuart
Tracey Deal
Tracey Deal signed up to a community mission.

Sun 12th May at 10:30am

School Farm Compost Run

Helping out the School Farm!

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Tracey Deal
Tracey Deal went on a community mission

Sat 27th Apr at 12:00pm

Every cloud has a netted lining

Southwark Report written by Lambeth runner

Despite the threatening clouds and chill in the air the rain held off so we were able to proceed as planned at Thorlands.

Simon got us all to work figuring out how to copy the netted frame completed by GGers in a prior session and we all took our turns with the drills.

After a while the group split to make the most of our time, so Richard and David went next door to the garden to continue some of the work done during the group run and made good headway shifting and getting weeds to where they could be more benefit - the compost heap. Meanwhile Tracey and Jo continued woodworking and managed to get a 3D product ready for Simon to work his magic with the netting!

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SevanHarvey GallagherSam Lefevre
Tracey Deal
Tracey Deal signed up to a community mission.

Sat 27th Apr at 12:00pm

Community gardening @ Thorlands

Will allow the community garden to flourish and for local residents to enjoy the natural space and food that is grow there

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Tracey Deal
Tracey Deal went on a community mission

Sat 24th Feb at 9:30am

SE5 forum all set up

Southwark Report written by Mikhail Amran

A clear morning meant an easy setting up of the stall this morning. Everyone was all cheers and looking forward to a Saturday on Camberwell green ahead.

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DianeHarvey GallagherSam Lefevre
