It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas Tree

11 Goodgymers helped their local community in Ealing
Mike C
Jenni H
1 / 22

Tuesday 12th December 2023





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Report written by Kash

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The last group run before the Christmas break needs a truly joyful task. What can bring the GoodGymers more festive spirit than helping a friendly church with the tidy-up before the holiday season? Putting up a Christmas tree, of course! Vicar Steve from St Mary's Church had both of the tasks for us tonight! Emily found out about the tree decorating opportunity early enough to beat anyone else to it and book the artistic job for GoodGym.

Four runners, including two speedy Santas, met as usual in Ealing Broadway and went for a short run to South Ealing where they were welcomed by Steve and invited inside the church. Aaah, an indoor task in December - a luxury!

With more GoodGymers arriving soon after, everyone wanted to have a go at the Christmas decorations, leaving only three people to give Steve a hand upstairs. The upper level had a great view but got a bit dusty. The floor needed hoovering - a job diligently done by Cam, joined later by Madhan. Steph Ducat and Kash were spraying the benches with Mr Sheen and polishing the seats. Reinforcements: Sevan, Christos and Claire would come later.

In the meantime, if the Christmas tree had emotions, it would have felt pretty overwhelmed, surrounded by a crowd of GoodGymers. If you are thinking about the "how many GoodGymers does it take to...?" question right now, it needed a team of five to wrap the lights around the tree! Putting up the baubles was an equally strategic exercise and, after the decorations were in place, no one dared to challenge the status quo.

Don't touch it, don't touch it!

There was only one ladder - most impressively used by Chris to deliver the star to the top of the tree - which meant that others, standing on the floor, like Jenni (not as tall as Mike!), had to resort to throwing the remaining decorations at the top of the Christmas tree.

There was some Christmas carol-themed jamming going on at St Mary's tonight, with Claire singing accompanied by Jenni at the piano. Madhan and Milly gave the drums a shot.

Steve was delighted with GoodGym's 45 minutes of joyful tidying and decorating activities. Even if the people-to-efficiency ratio was not convincing (we're sure it was!), the ratio of enthusiasm-to-people was skyrocketing! Steve wished the gang of merry men and women a happy Christmas and a great party tonight. The GoodGymers said their Merry Christmases and goodbyes too and ran and walked to Drapers pub for a night of fun, food and festivities.

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