Monday 15th January 2024
Report written by Anastasia Hancock (she/her)
GoodGym is all about promoting an active lifestyle, embracing new skills, making a positive impact on local communities and building new friendships. It turns out that aligns with many of the pillars of local Brownie group, the 19th Battersea Brownies. Unfortunately the organisation has seen a drop off in new members since the lockdowns, and they asked us if we could help get the word out about the fantastic opportunities they offer. With many similar values we were only too happy to help, so 11 of us met at the BAC for our Monday mission.
Temperatures were seriously low, so we wasted no time warming up our muscles. After a few minutes of heart pumping exercises we took a moment to banish the bad vibes of Blue Monday by going round the group telling the others what cheers us up when we're a bit down. Chocolate and cheese featured highly, as did chats with friends and family, and meeting new dogs!
After a brisk run down to the Katherine Low Settlement we were greeted by the happy sight of lots of little Brownies who came out to meet us holding loads of leaflets, posters and some beautiful thank you cards which they had made themselves. What a lovely gesture - have a look at the photos to see their creations!
We divided up into groups to cover as much of the local area as we could, and quickly started putting as many leaflets through letterboxes as we possibly could. Before long we had delivered the whole pile. If you know of any little ones who could benefit from joining the Brownies then drop them a message on to register.
We just had time for a brief but intense fitness session which involved short, sharp bursts of exercises such as toe taps, high knees and power squats, before retreating into the warm for a pub quiz. Questions throughout the night included where is that draft coming from, where have the beetroots disappeared to, and what on earth links Simon Pegg to tipping? We didn't make the podium this time but a great time was had by all! Well done teams.
Next week we're off to Waste Not Want Not to help with various jobs, and if you're looking for a way to get involved this weekend there is also a mission on Saturday helping to shift willow branches. Until then, keep warm!
Give this community soace, home to charities that support refugees, some love!