Monday 23rd January 2023
Report written by Tower Hamlets runner
As a group effort, the team of 12 GoodGym'ers made short work of 60 meters of felled laurel hedge.... All trimmed and stacked, for the guys to chip in a neat caterpillar by the path.
Kim joined us for her first Tower Hamlets session, Laura was the expert photographer, and Emma turned up with a broken rib to interview us all.
Whilst the group mused on "Hedge Fun Management" and then happily ear-wormed themselves with "Bush it, bush it real good" thanks to Emma, points this week go to Kevin for a cracking pun and report.
Ken and Terry of Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery said we did well and a great time was had by all.
So until next week ! .... Epic !
The Friends are an independent charity responsible for managing Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park, a unique and vital nature reserve and heritage site in East London. Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park offers everyone a breathing space in the heart of East London. This woodland cemetery is a unique place of transformation: a people’s cemetery, a place for remembrance, a sanctuary for humans as well as nature, a place for festivals, field studies and forest schools. Always changing with the seasons, it is rooted in the history of the East End, a place of rich heritage that is full of possibilities and freedom for all.
See moreTower Hamlets
A great start to your weekend!