Saturday 16th September 2023
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Sam Lefevre (he/him)
Seven strong GoodGymers in David, Fi, Jo, John, Michael, Sam and Tracey all came together to finish what was started at GoodGym Southwark's group run earlier in the week on this fine and sunny Saturday.
John and Sam arrived early and were offered coffee by Simon. As John went to collect them, Sam collected the tools.
Once everyone arrived, we split into smaller tasks to get started. John and Michael got rid of a tree stump as it was in the way of the new bed that we were creating whilst the rest removed brick and wooden poles from the terrace to have it clear for us to work in.
Once the bed had been turned over, Fi and John did trips to get the woodchip mulch whilst Michael watered the ground to ensure it was damp as we want to encourage growing and not leave it to be a hotbed.
David, Jo, Sam cleared the terrace of bindweed and chopped back at the buddleia that is growing over from next door.
Such a productive session with loads of noticeable changes. Well done, team!
Tackles food insecurity and reuses surplus food to prevent food being thrown away!