All hail the Grounddwellers

9 Goodgymers helped their local community in Oxford
Sophie Wilkinson
Katie Fellows
Vicky Arnold
Anwen Greenaway
Ellie Evans
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Wednesday 12th June 2024

Katie Fellows
Katie Fellows




Anwen Greenaway
Anwen Greenaway


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Report written by Anwen Greenaway

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Foxwell Drive's Tiny Forest was planted on 28 January 2021 by local contractors (in line with Covid restrictions). It is a curved shape that follows the road and is adjacent to the A40. It's had a few years to get established now, and many of the trees are thriving. Unfortunately a lot of nettles, brambles and other plants are also thriving and choking/competing with the trees.

We were called in for a two-pronged task - to clear around the trees to give them more chance of continuing to thrive and to uncover the tags needed for monitoring. Once we'd cleared a good area we then pivoted to some of the monitoring surveys - taking measurements of the tagged trees (and each others' ears for some reason!), and then doing a grounddwellers count to finish off.

Our very own Lorenzo is a volunteer with Tiny Forests and so has a monitoring kit, so hopefully we can independently head out for some monintoring surveys another time. We only have 1 more Tiny Forest in Oxford which we haven't visited yet, so let's head to Meadow Lane soon!

Congratulations to Anna on completing her 50th Good Deed!

This task supported
EarthWatch Europe
Creating Knowledge. Inspiring Action

registered charity 1094467 (England & Wales branch)

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Fri 14th Jun 2024 at 7:42am

Great job everyone

Jack Da Silva

Tue 18th Jun 2024 at 12:33pm

Great to read about this, well done everyone!

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